Omega Report # 53 (2005-02-07)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

This week's... (and last week's *winces*) Omega squadron report. Everyone's just busy-- Compton, Ixion, Yoman, and myself. If I can just get a few hours under me to contact those new recruits and maybe catch some sleep, things will be in MUCH better shape...

Squadron Orders:
- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.

- Sov vs. ATF competition:

**Ends FEBRUARY 15!**
Competition site:

- XvT Week or War on, this is ongoing.

Squadron News:
- Once I get some free time, we'll initiate contact of new recruits and their COs. In the meantime, we continue to look.

EH-wide News:
- Casino Competition ( ) results!:
- Fiction: COL Ekim. Report: COL Brucmack. TIE: LT Diaboli.
- XvT: COL Brucmack. XWA: MAJ Deimos.

- EH wins XvT WoW for January 2005! Congratulations to everyone who participated!

- New TCCOM's selected: Wing VIII, ISD Colossus!

- EH presence at Celebration 3:
April 21-24 in Indianapolis, Indiana. AD Joe needs help staffing the EH booth at the convention.

- Star Wars: Republic Commando demo is out.

- DO open for applications.

- VA Gilad (ASF BGCOM) is now AD Gilad.
- TAC/VA Frodo is now AD Frodo.
- COMM/VA Joey C is now AD Joey C.
- SO/VA Vlad is now AD Vlad.
- IWCOMM/VA Hobbie is now AD Hobbie.

- New battles/missions: XWA-TC 40, XWA-TC 41, XWA-DB 6, XWA-FREE 116, BoP-TC 24, XvT-TC 107.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - no activity (currently engulfed in ski trip planning).

FM/GN Compton - no activity (very busy with SWG:JTL).

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - evaluating new recruits.

FM/LC Yoman - evaluating new recruits.


U2 concert tickets aren't quite secured, still have see if we need one more set... Coachella concert tickets ( ) are being worked out this week. Plus management just offered my principal assistant at work an insulting raise, so my assistant is quitting... what a lovely world, huh?

Cursed reality, keeps interfering with my EH duties...


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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