Ranger Report # 16 (2003-02-21)

This report was submitted by MAJ Loor

Weekly Squadron Report


[ Weekly Squadron Report #16 ]
[ February 21st, 2003 ]
[ Introduction ]
Another quiet week with little activity. One of
my harddrives decided to stop working and it was that one I had my games installed
on. I will reinstall everything pretty soon.
[ News ]

  • A recruitment program has been developed by VA Roguewing. Check your
    mailbox for more information.

[Orders ]

  • Fly!
  • Recruit!
  • Participate in Wing competitions.

[SP Flying ]
MAJ Cray Mikalen: XWA-IW 33.
[ Courses ]
[ Other activity ]
[ Medals & Promotions ]
[ Competitions ]

  • Wing XI Trivia Creation: Create trviia consisting of at least
    20 questions. (Open all YEAR!)

  • XWA SP Ladder: Fly against an opponent (check http://www.geocities.com/roguewing25/ladder).
    Fly XWA-FREE 90 until Wednesday the 19th.

Major Loor,
Commander of Ranger

CMDR/MAJ Loor/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


[ Archon ] || "200 Club"

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