Sin Report # 27 (2003-01-19)

This report was submitted by MAJ Carl Lost

Hello Squadron,

CPT Carl Lost reporting in for the Squadron of Sin for this week.

Well, pilots, it has been an interesting week. my activity Database is down at my dorms since i couldn't find my CDRW and brink it with me.... Anyway, the detailed activity of the last week will be included in next week's report. But I may say exactly that we're doing fine. Activity may and should pick up but with one Free mission from each one I shall be satisfied :). As those who have submitted pilotfiles have seen, I bsf them the hour I see them in my inbox.

We have done fine i nthe RPG competition and I am quite satisfied with our overall performance. It will be included as activity for this week since it ended only a few days ago. Note that the flown pilotfiles also count for normal activity and thus will reappear in next week's report.

I also wish to publicly and heartily congratulate Mr. Tim to his promotion to the rank of CM, which he has more than just earned through his hard work within SIN, within the Wing and by protecting my beautisleep (:P @ Stele ).

Congratulations and best wishes, Timmay :)

The TC Roster:

SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
BANNER: sin.jpg
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness


Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) MAJ Carl Lost (
2) LT Bob-Fett(
3) TBA
4) TBA


Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) CPT Ninja (
4) TBA


Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CM Tim (
2) LT Devil Fish (
3) TBA
4) TBA


1) CPT Carl Lost

-eMail activity
-participation in Wing RPG Competition SIN Squadron

2) LT Bob-Fett

-eMail activity
-participation in Wing RPG Competition SIN Squadron


3) CPT Ninja

-eMail activity
-participation in Wing RPG Competition SIN Squadron

1) CM Tim

-eMail activity
-participation in Wing RPG Competition SIN Squadron
-SIN Squadron RPG Competion Administration
-Promotion to CM

2) LT Devil Fish

-eMail activity
-participation in Wing RPG Competition SIN Squadron

News form the TC Site:
Friday · January 17 · 2003

Relentless Commodore
11:03 - FA Priyum Patel []
The position of Relentless Commodorein the TIE Corps Battlegroups is still open to applications with the following requirements:

Absolute familiarity with Fleet Manuals and the Fleet Standing Orders
No serious AoW convictions, and none within the past 12 months
Command experience at a Wing Commander level or above, for no less than 4 consecutive months. Squadron Commanders will only be considered with 3 excellent references from superior Officers
Familiarity with Single and Multiplayer aspects of X-Wing: Alliance
Email response time of 24-36 hours.
Everything else detailed in the Training Manual

Applicants must possess the drive and motivation to work towards stabilizing the ship, plan future activities and work with fellow Flag Officers in the Battlegroup. The position of Commodore is not to be underestimated. If you have any doubts as to your suitability for the position, then don't waste our time by applying. Applications should be sent to Vice Admiral Kraxand Fleet Admiral Priyumwith the subject RelCOM. You may include up to 3 references, two of which must be from current or former superiors. Ensure that you have their permission before listing them.

Thursday · January 16 · 2003

Reporting of Violations
18:44 - FA Brad []
Remember to use the chain of command first when reporting complaints. Almost 2/3 of the time complaints are better handled by your superior officers. They can get them resolved faster since I have a large number of complaints and each of mine needs thorough investigations as I send people to the High Court of Inquisitors if I find them suspect. Also, do not send an entire log file of the channel. Including some of the log before incidents happened helps, but I do not need to see logs of several months before (or after) a violation.
Skipping missions!
07:35 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Recently, I've noticed that many pilots are skipping missions and submit battles to their CMDR. Also, CMDR process BSFs even when plt file shows missions has been skipped. Hear now, loud and clear: This is not allowed.
Skipping missions is not considered cheating however, battles will be removed from your profile.
All battles are playable. If you have problem with patches, contact SCO Ender mBind.

Additional information: If you have problems with TIE battles, free missions or other platforms, DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING, where you flew. You could contact me and I will try to fast-track within TAC to correct the problem.


MAJCarl Lost
CMDR-TCT-TCS/MAJ Carl Lost/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SSx3/BSx2/PCx3/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-7bh/IS-4BW-1SW-1GW/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [TMPR]

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