Sin Report # 12 (2000-12-04)

This report was submitted by CPT Stele Pellaeon

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Sin Squadron 12.4.00

Can you smell it? Can you hear it? Can you taste it? ...........................WELL!!!??? It's that time of year boys. That time of the year I love so much. That's right, you guessed it. The time that I get my body wax done. It's been so long! And oh yeah, I hear Christmas is coming too. :P

Squadron News

Sin Squadron and Dagger Squadron of Wing IX has challenged us to a match using FM-127 (Inkwolf's mission). CMDR/CPT Dan never had it approved by the TO so he asked me to have it approved. So I'll give us another week to fly it. Whew! So fly it again if you like for a higher score.

LCM MacCredu puts up Flight 2's webpage and can be found at He did an awesome job on it and has received an ISM for his efforts.

Theta beat us in our challenge against them :( But we'll focus our efforts on Dagger this week. Let's put the past behind us and the future in front of us.

Theta Squadron defeats Sin Squadron

-Sin: 352759; Theta: 505787

Operation: Release the TIEs on its 17th day and 3 battles are occuring. One at Caridda where Inkwolf is pinned down by 7 Blue pilots, one at Pirath where Obi-kan is dueling it with Fatboy, and one at Karana where Mord, Mac, and Otter with 5 Blue pilots. The mission for all those pilots is FM-88. Good luck!

We got a citation for TC-4. Good job boys!

NOTE: Finals are coming up for me these next two weeks so if I don't expect to see me on IRC or ICQ a lot and I'll try to BSF your missions as soon as I get them but I probably won't do them all immediatly. Just two more weeks and then I'll jump back into my missile boat and fly like crazy.

Squadron Orders

Sin-Dagger match is extended to the end of this week and the mission to fly is FM-127. Good luck!

CM Mordred and LCM Mac, you guys are to fly FM-88. I have your tfrs for them but feel free to fly them again for a higher score if you wish.

An ISM is up for grabs for whoever flies the most missions this month. It can be any missions for either TF, XvT, or XWA. So shoot away!!

I mentioned that we received a citation for TC-4 and now I'd like to take the time to get another one. LT Desmos suggested that we all fly TC-17 which uses missile boats in every mission. Sounds like a good one. So, fly it by the end of two weeks from today. (Attached)

I'm going to be putting up a picture of the week for every week from now on. What kind of picture you ask? It's to be a picture taken from the game Tie Fighter while you're flying any mission. Just press the "print screen" button and then go to a photoshop or whatever you use and then click "paste" and your picture should show. Submit it to me and I'll choose which one to post on the Sin Squadron site and it'll be up there for a week. So take pictures of anything you like, ISDs attacking innocent ships, X-wings blowing up, or head on collisions. Whatever you like.

LCM MacCredu has created Sin Squadron's very own activity tracking record site. All of you to go to and type in any activity you've done and send it off. It ensures that I get all activity you know you've done and that I won't forget. If you have any questions about it ask me or LCM MacCredu.

Activity Reports

CMDR/CM Stele Pellaeon 1-1
-12/2 flew CAB-4 (17 missions)

FL/LCM MacCredu 2-1
-11/30 flew TC-1
-12/1 flew FM-88
-12/2 created Sin Squadron activity submission site
-frequent chats on ICQ and IRC

FM/LT Desmos 2-2
-no reported activity

FL/CM Pendragon 3-1
-frequent chats on ICQ and IRC
-12/2 flew FM-88
-12/2 flew FM-2
-12/2 flew FM-9
-12/2 flew FM-25
-11/27 completed IWATS Rebellion Tactics
-12/3 flew FM-78
-12/3 flew FM-127

FM/LT Strahd Pendragon 3-2
-11/26 flew FM-127

FM/LT Squall Lionheart 3-3
-12/3 flew FM-127


Roster shortcuts
21:49 - SA Kawolski []
If you want to see your profile online, there's a new shortcut to it! Just use your TIE Corps PIN instead of "www"! For example, my PIN is #691. So if I wanted to look at my record, I would go to Try it with yours!

Also, if you want to look at a squadron roster, you can put the squadron name then to take you right to the squadron's roster. For example, if I wanted to look at Alpha squadron, I would go to and it would display Alpha Squadron's roster.

03:34 - AD Absolutek []
The Internet Office is proud to present the new General Manager, and Program Director of WEHR. Please welcome RA Slicer, and COL Devin.

I have high hopes for them to take WEHR to new, and more glorious heights! Go check out the latest WEHR sessions by CPT Quake, and AD AbsoluteK on the IO Website at, and all the previous WEHR sessions at

Star Wars Galaxies site opens
00:23 - SA Kawolski []
The Star WArs Galaxies site has opened at

Register at the site now and you may have a chance to be picked as a beta tester in the future! You can also read the FAQ about the game and aspects of it and participate on community message boards which have close to a thousand messages on them already!

New poll
11:08 - HA Astatine []
There's a new poll on relating to what kind of course you'd like to see more of. It's at

New IWATS Professor
22:24 - CM Marcin Szydlowski []
New XvT Mission Editing Course professor had been selected today. Congrats to Commander Marcin Szydlowski. This means the course should be reactivated very soon.

Easy battle access
06:51 - SA Kawolski []
Sometimes it's difficult to go through the Battle Listings on slower modems. Now from the Battle Center, you can jump directly to a battle's profile if you already know the battle type and battle number.

Cadet roster
06:18 - SA Kawolski []
To help recruiters help members on Daedalus, a new [W] flag has been added for cadets on the Platform Daedalus Roster who already filled out the Squadron Assignment Request Form and is simply waiting for the Flight Office to assign him or her to a squadron. The best Cadets to try to recruit are those with the [P] and [I] flags (or just the [I] flag for Echo Company) because all they need to do is log in to with their PIN and Password and fill out the form. Do not recruit [W] cadets.

Squadron Roster

SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
COMMANDER: CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) LCM MacCredu ( - #4176
2) LT Desmos ( - #5665
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CM Mordred Pendragon ( - #1047
2) LT Strahd Pendragon ( - #5420
3) LT Squall Lionheart ( - #3387
4) TBA

Total: 6

Squadron Citations (4):
TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TC-TIE Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza


Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CM Stele Pellaeon/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx3/ISMx6/MoT-5bh/LoCx3 [DRAG] {IWATS-SM/2}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed them."

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