Psi Report # 0 (2000-07-22)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect



Oh, yeah.

Welcome, liederhosen and garter-belts to the newest Psi Squadron Briefing! Newer, slimmer, sexier! Bryant Gumbel raves....argh. Never mind.

-Squadron News-

- After a six weeks absence, CPT Psyko has returned! Quartermaster reports that alcohol stores have already dropped 45% :P

- The Three Flight FL spot is still open...if you want it, mail Ford with an application...otherwise, he'll appoint someone to the position without anyone else's say in the matter :P

- Combat Run 11 has ended...the Psi Squadron results:

CMDR/CPT Ford Prefect

Lasers: 3,228 / 3,958
Missiles: 69 / 74
Total: 228,898
Laserless Total: 219,214
Mission 1 - 15,881
Mission 2 - 40,577
Mission 3 - 27,353
Mission 4 - 22,087
Mission 5 - 98,638
Mission 6 - 24,362

FM/LT Quentan Rastar

Lasers: 1,461 / 1,917
Missiles: 63 / 63
Total: 206,961
Laserless Total: 202,578
Mission 1 - 15,754
Mission 2 - 18,164
Mission 3 - 7,469
Mission 4 - 14,420
Mission 5 - 124,182
Mission 6 - 26,972

FL/LCM Jon Doyle

4210 - 4755
114 - 123
Mission 1:
Mission 2:
Mission 3:
Mission 4:
Mission 5:
Mission 6:


Total Squadron Score (Laserless)



Not so good...

- LCM Rhinok Maul still hasn't reported back with his status...Rhinok? You out there, buddy?

- The Psi / Alpha / Inferno competition is still going...check out the Orders section for more details...

- The squadron home page is finally back up and running!!! Check it out at : If you have any ideas for site content, find any errors in the site, or encounter broken links / dead images, please notify Ford!

- CM Vlade is still on leave, after which he'll return to Psi Squadron and take the Flight Leader position of Two Flight...he should be back in action Monday.

- :::Ford beats everyone with his pimpin' cane:::

- Psi's below half-strength! Recruit! ::thinks:: Didn't we already go through this? :P Um...recruit! :P As Ford has said repeatedly, he's working on some possible recruits, but we'll need more to get the squad back up to normal size!

- Your super-kool love-magnet CMDR has been awarded the ISM for winning TIE Corps trivia....this Sunday, it's three-peat, baby :P

- LT Quentan Rastar has passed the IWATS Graphics Course!

- Frod is tired and hungry right now. Just thought you guys should know that.

- The Psi Ace Award for July is really up in the air! The requirements again:

1) Combat Run 11 (concluded)

2) Psi / Alpha / Inferno Competition (TC-141)

3) Psi Squadron Trivia, Round 11

4) Maintaining a high standard of activity throughout the month...

- As is the Ace, the Top Gun Award is up for grabs as well! Remember, to be Top Gun, you must fly at least 12 missions!

- The next round of Psi Squadron trivia should be released *very* shortly...i.e. sometime today.

-Wing News-

- With the beginning of this week, we bid goodbye to former Wing II WC, Lieutenant-Colonel Harkonnen, who retired from the TIE Corps unexpectedly early in the week...

- ...and we welcome in the new Wing Commander, Ex-Psi FM and Rho CMDR, WC/MAJ Calzeo 'Mad Doc' Inkwolf! Break out the morpheine and alky! :P

- With WC Inky's advancement, this leaves the Rho CMDR position open...word has it that applications are already flooding the good WC's inbox :P

- The Wing Drinking Song Competition is still on! Submit them lyrics to Inky by the 30th, with Ford CCed in!

- LC Calias has been appointed the new Sin CMDR! Congrats, Calias!

-Squadron Orders-

- Fly TC-141 for Psi / Alpha / Inferno comp! Again, the details on the competition:

Begins: July 15th
Ends: July 29th

Between: Psi, Alpha and Inferno squadrons

Activity: Fly TC-141 before the 29th. Send in .tfrs to your respective CMDRs, and they will evaluate the squadron's total score. Scoring will be based on averages: squadron with the highest average wins.


Top Gun (pilot with highest score):
Palpatine Crescent

2nd Highest Score:
Imperial Security Medal

3rd Highest Socre:
Imperial Security Medal

Thus far, Ford has received no submissions from Psi...still cool, we got 8 more days, but get flying! Ford's flown the first two missions thus far, and they're quite easy. No real tips are needed: Just kill stuff :P
Mission 3 looks to be a bit harder thus far, Ford will keep you updated..

And, as one last notice: Ford has been informed that Inferno pilots now have 3 of the battle's 5 mission high scores, so try and get on the high end of the scoring spectrum :P

- The Wing drinking song competition! With Psi's reputation, we better be gettin' those entires in :P

- Have fun! The TIE Corps offers a variety of activities, be sure to take advantage of them if you've got some spare time!

-Activity Reports-

CMDR/CPT Ford Prefect:

7.16.00 - Awarded Imperial Security Medal
7.20.00 - Uploads and updates Psi Squadron website

FM/LCM Rhinok Maul:

No Activity

FM/LT Quentan Rastar:

7.17.00 - Passes IWATS Graphics course


FM/LCM Nemesis:

No Activity

FM/CPT Psyko:

7.17.00 - Returns from the Reserves, transferred to the Psi 2-3 position


FL/LCM Jon Doyle:

No Activity

Hrm. Again, very low activity week from everyone, CMDR included. Hopefully, this'll change next week...right? :P

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- Shake-up in the Recon Office! Admiral Slage has been appointed the new EH Recon Officer, with VA Maaric taking Herr Slage's former spot as CA:RO.

- Project Phoenix has concluded! Thanks to Admiral Striker and his team, who have worked relentlessly on getting this project done!
What has Phoenix done? They've updated and fixed bugs in..

TC-TIE Battles 1 to 116
DB-TIE Battles 1 to 13
IW-TIE and IW-XW Battles 1 to 23
ID Battles 1 to 4
CAB Battles 1 to 4
FCHG Battle 1
TIE Free Missions 1 to 97

Again, thanks to the team, including such Wing II veterans as MAJ Jedgar, (ret.) LC Harkonnen, CPT Wlodek, CPT Atrus (ret.), LC Calias and CPT Todbringer.

- PREX/RA Coursca is looking for slicers to staff the new Corporate Division Academy! If you have slicing ability, contact him!

- Both the Training Officer and the TOA, HA Astatine and CM Vorru, will be on leave this coming week.

- New jobs available at the Training Office! HA Astatine announces that a new project, the EH Encyclopedia, has begun! They're looking for writers / writing verifaction folk (need 3+ years of EH experience) and proof readers to check grammar, spelling, etc. in Encyclopedia entries. If you're interested, mail the TO.

- Several new Free-XvT missions and a TIE battle have been released at the TIE Corps Battle Center.

- Ex-Rho CMDR / member and long-time EH member, VA Freelancer, has resigned from his position as NAVCOM. No word on who the NAVCOM will be now, but the FO isn't taking applications and reportedly has several prospects in mind.

- has been completely moved to it's new server. Yay, Kawolski! :P

- The message center should be working now :P

- HA Kawolski has released several mission design tips on you're interested in creating battles / missions, be sure to check them out.

- The EH Pictuare Archive has moved to, and is now under the jurisdiction under the Internet Officer, Turtle.

- Admiral Havoc, the Combat Operations Officer, has retired and transferred to the Reserves.

- If you have anything to submit to Battlecry, the TC Magazine, get it to CPT Werdna Elbee by July 25th! Release date for this month's issue is July 29th.

- Old Kappa CMDR and Battle Creator Fiend Extraordinaire ( along with Gallows :P ) CPT Wlodek has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor!

- For his excellent work as CA:TAC, Admiral Striker has been recommended for the Order of the Renegade.

- Are you the next Euro-Villain? Find out:

That's about it...


Oh, um. Yeah. Bye :P

CMDR/CPT Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx15][PCx2][BS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][HUSS][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2]

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