Typhoon Report # 0 (2000-08-28)

This report was submitted by COL Callista

Typhoon Squadron Report

As submitted by CMDR/COL Callista on Monday, August 28th, 2000. Gonna be a rather short report today..


The new COO is AD Zsinj (SLookabill@aol.com)

There is a new EH Visual Arts Gallery open for submissions and visits at http://ehnet.org/vag . Submissions go to absolute@squadron.org


Well, now that the BG comp is over, it seems as though the ISD Challenge is not the BG Flagship anymore. Preliminary results say that the Immortal has beaten us, even though we’ve had 96 submissions for Phase 4. Final results will be out soon.


Well, the biggest news this week is: We were, we are and we always will be the best of the Battlegroups! :P Yay! We’re the BGCOM’s escort squadron for another year!!! Very very well done to all of you who participated, you’ve made me very proud and showed that Typhoon is far from being out of fashion these days!!!

Now that LT Vader has reported in (but still needs to fly something til the 31st to convince me he’ll be a nifty pilot from now on), I am only awaiting LT Frederik’s report. If he does not show any sign of life until the 31st, he will be transferred to the reserves.

Do you remember I send in some of your older tfrs for FREE-TIE 94 for the Battlecry competition? Well, we did have the best showing squadron-wise, but unfortunately, none of us got into first or second place, so no medals this time ;(


Well, now that the BG Comp is over and done with, we can concentrate on the Squadron League! Btw, the higher ups have decided to have only one big comp like the BGs and the SL at a time, so you won’t be as stressed as before in the future ;) Please fly TC 128 for CR 12 until August 30th!!! I still need tfrs from Xeraan, Vader, Domi, Morgan, Frederik and Talon!

I would like you to participate again in the monthly Battlecry competition once it is announced.

Hm, I realize almost none of you flew the battle I assigned you for the monthly squadron competition... please fly them until August 31st if you have the time, after that I’ll assign new battles for everyone to fly, so we’ll get more citations.


CMDR/COL Callista
- Participated in Battlecry comp, #9
- Changed email to muehn005@mail.uni-mainz.de

FM/LT Xeraan Rhazzazor
- Reported in

FM/LT Flechette
- Completed TC 133
- Completed TC 128

FM/LT Vader
- Reported in

FL/CM Ahkliat
- Reported in

- Completed TC 48

FM/CPT Vexen
- Participated in Battlecry comp, #12

FM/LT Morgan T’kon
- Completed TC 108
- Completed TC 123
- Participated in Battlecry comp, #4

FL/LCM Elwood the Brave
- Reported in

FM/CPT Brandon
- Awarded an ISM
- Participated in Battlecry comp, #7

FM/LT Frederik Greyson Junior
- 4 more days for you to report in, buddy...

FM/LCM Talon Drear
- Completed TC 123, 48
- Participated in Battlecry comp, #8


COMMANDER: COL Callista (muehn005@mail.uni-mainz.de)-[Tie]
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: "We will fly the winds of DEATH!!"
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typh.cjb.net

Homepage: http://typhoon.clanhappy.com
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart!
1) COL Callista (muehn005@mail.uni-mainz.de)-[TIE]
2) LT Xeraan Razzazor (xeraan.razz@gmx.net)-[TIE]
3) LT William Flechette (i3abovethenight@aol.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Vader (egonzalez@outside.com.ar)-[TIE]

Homepage: http://typhoon2.squadron.org/Hurricane.html
Motto: Always ready, always deadly!
1) CM Ahkliat (methran@cs.com)-[TIE]
2) COL Domi (johnny.rage@home.net)-[TIE]
3) CPT Vexan (Imavexen@yahoo.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Morgan T’kon (morganrich@yahoo.ca)-[TIE]

Motto: First in and last out of battles, brothels and bars!
1) LCM Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)-[TIE]
2) CPT Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)-[TIE]
3) LT Frederik Greyson Junior (Greyson@firemail.de)-[TIE]
4) LCM Drear (Wouterson@wanadoo.nl)-[TIE]

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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