Typhoon Report # 0 (2000-08-14)

This report was submitted by COL Callista

Typhoon Squadron Report

As submitted by CMDR/COL Callista on Monday, August 14th, 2000.


The BGCOM’s awards have been given out for July 2000! Pilot of the month is LT Zodiac of Dagger Squad, CMDR of the Month is COL Val Ricaud of Sword, and Squadron of the month is Inferno! Congrats Manny!

The new Naval Corps Commander is VA Bargon.

The Recon Office has a new homepage, check it out at: http://reconoffice.dhs.org/

We will have a new subgroup soon, the Imperial Survey Corps. If you have any questions about this, email VA Maaric at belair2267@email.com

I am currently organizing the EH’s representation at the Jedi Convention 2001 in Cologne, Germany (you should have an email about this in your inbox). Any ideas on how to make us look nice in front of thousands of Star Wars fans are appreciated.


We have 2 new CMDRs this week. Sadly enough, CMDR/CPT Aven Kronn had to step down as Tornado CMDR, boo, now I’m the only German CMDR in Wing X again :P However, his replacement is more than „enthralling“: the legendary uncie Kess, former FO and general badass. Do I get my date now, Kessie? :P
The other new CMDR is CM Kaneda Pellail, who has taken over from CM Dark Talon as Tempest CMDR.

The Tornado homepage has a new url: http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/square/xtc56/tornado.htm


Congrats to LCM Elwood the Brave for getting new Flight Leader of Flight III! He has already shown he’s worth my trust in flying quite a bunch of battles, now that his TIE is working  Thanks again to Branny who swapped places with him so Elwood can be promoted.

I haven’t heard at all from some of you this week...


The submissions for CR 11 of the Squadron League have to be in my inbox within the next 10 hours! I wanted them tonight, but 2 of you who promised to fly haven’t sent in their tfrs yet, so I’m waiting until I get those 2, hopefully. Frederik, Xeraan, Vader and Tally, I expect a submission from you, or a real good excuse why you couldn’t fly and couldn’t tell me so during the last 2 weeks.

The final phase of Exercise Cantina Run starts tomorrow! Everyone get ready to fly like he/she has never flown before! (in a positive sense I mean :P)

You can still take part in the Battlecry competition by flying Free TIE 94 Destroy Rebel Morale Event. Have your submissions in to me by Thursday!

Remember to fly the battles I have assigned you for the monthly squadron Competition! I want your tfrs by August 31st!


CMDR/COL Callista
- Advertising for Jedi Con
- Completed TC 11, 103, 121
- Participating in the TIE League Finals

FM/LT Xeraan Rhazzazor
- Completed TC 108

FM/LT Flechette
- Completed TC 77

FM/LT Vader
- Pledged to fly TC 77

FL/CM Ahkliat
- Completed TC 69

- Completed TC 77

FM/CPT Vexen
- Reported in

FM/LT Morgan T’kon
- Completed TC 77

FL/LCM Elwood the Brave
- Promoted to Flight Leader
- Completed TC 1, 10, 3, 2, 123, 143
- Completed FT 101, 103, 1, 2

FM/CPT Brandon
- Completed TC 19, 29, 77, 34, 11, 15, 85, 36, 97, 60
- Completed XWA 6
- Completed FT 111
- Participating in the TIE League Finals

FM/LT Frederik Greyson
- Nuff

FM/LCM Talon Drear
- Nuff


COMMANDER: COL Callista (callista@sonnet.de)-[Tie]
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: "We will fly the winds of DEATH!!"
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typh.cjb.net

Homepage: http://typhoon.clanhappy.com
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart!
1) COL Callista (callista@sonnet.de)-[TIE]
2) LT Xeraan Razzazor (xeraan.razz@gmx.net)-[TIE]
3) LT William Flechette (i3abovethenight@aol.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Vader (egonzalez@outside.com.ar)-[TIE]

Homepage: http://typhoon2.squadron.org/Hurricane.html
Motto: Always ready, always deadly!
1) CM Ahkliat (methran@cs.com)-[TIE]
2) COL Domi (johnny.rage@home.net)-[TIE]
3) CPT Vexan (Imavexen@yahoo.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Morgan T’kon (morganrich@yahoo.ca)-[TIE]

Motto: First in and last out of battles, brothels and bars!
1) LCM Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)-[TIE]
2) CPT Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)-[TIE]
3) LT Frederik Greyson Junior (Greyson@firemail.de)-[TIE]
4) LCM Drear (Wouterson@wanadoo.nl)-[TIE]

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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