Typhoon Report # 0 (2000-07-31)

This report was submitted by COL Callista

Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report

As submitted by CMDR/COL Callista on Monday, July 31st, 2000.


A new FCHG rank system has been introduced. The rank of Imperator, previously achievable with 500 FCHG points, is now only for those who achieve 3000 and more FCHG points. The ranks have been altered with regards to future TC competitions that will allow pilots to earn FCHG points for scoring high in those competitions.

COO Havoc has stepped down from his position. However, FO Sarriss is not accepting applications, a new COO will be chosen by herself.

The new TIE Corps Medical Laboratory is now located at http://tc-medlab.ehnet.org

HA Astatine is looking for a new TOA, since COL Kircheis has resigned from this position. Position requirements and application guidelines are available at http://www.imperialacademy.org/tojobs.htm.


Hm, nothing really :P


LT Xeraan Rhazzazor is back! After about a month of absence, his internet connection works again, so we’re almost at full power for the BG Comp Finals!

LT Xeraan Rhazzazor has changed his email addy to bjoern.weber@sonnet.de , please update your addy books accordingly!

LT Flech is expected to come back this week! LCM Elwood the Brave will hopefully make it back here soon...


After phase 2 of ECR, we’re still leading with 16 points. Phase 3 is running, battle design, and I guess we have enough submissions for this already, since we can only submit 3 battles for the whole of the Challenge anyway, so you shouldn’t bother creating new missions just now. If you want to help our and the Challenge’s success in this phase (just in case one of our battles should be selected to be one of the 3 to represent it), playtest the missions and battles I’ve sent out and/or write a story that goes along with them.

Phase 4 of ECR, the TIE flying, should start about August 12th and will again only last a week, so be prepared for this!

CR 11 still hasn’t been announced... guess we’ve had another ‘summer break‘ again. It is probably going to be released on August 1st, which is tomorrow, so be prepared to fly for this as well! I expect 100% participation since there is no other competition that could interfere with your flying for the SL at the moment! (ECR phase 3 is mostly finished and the week after will be quality week).

The Monthly Squadron Competition is ending today, I will send out the results and award the ISM for the winner tomorrow. The system of monthly squadron competitions will be a bit altered as from now on, to be more effective for our effort to gain squadron citations and to assign a specific battle to each of you, but more about this tomorrow.


Unfortunately, this week hasn’t seen much activity...

CMDR/COL Callista
- Finished designing battle for ECR
- Revised battle for ECR
- Awarded an ISM

FM/LT Xeraan Rhazzazor
- Back from leave
- Changed email addy to bjoern.weber@sonnet.de

FM/LT Flechette
- On leave
- Awarded an ISM

FM/LT Vader
- Submitted plotline for a battle

FL/CM Ahkliat
- Submitted a plotline for a mission
- Completed FTIE 11

- Reported in

FM/CPT Vexen
- Submitted her picture
- Submitted a free mission
- Awarded an ISM

FM/SL Morgan T’Kon
- Completed TC 45

FL/CPT Brandon
- Awarded an ISM

FM/LCM Elwood the Brave
- On leave

FM/LT Frederik Greyson Junior
- Reported in

FM/LCM Talon Drear
- Designing battle for ECR


COMMANDER: COL Callista (callista@sonnet.de)-[Tie]
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: "We will fly the winds of DEATH!!"
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typh.cjb.net

Homepage: http://typhoon.clanhappy.com
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart!
1) COL Callista (callista@sonnet.de)-[TIE]
2) LT Xeraan Razzazor (bjoern.weber@sonnet.de)-[TIE]
3) LT William Flechette (i3abovethenight@aol.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Vader (egonzalez@outside.com.ar)-[TIE]

Homepage: http://typhoon2.squadron.org/Hurricane.html
Motto: Always ready, always deadly!
1) CM Ahkliat (methran@cs.com)-[TIE]
2) COL Domi (johnny.rage@home.net)-[TIE]
3) CPT Vexan (Imavexen@yahoo.com)-[TIE]
4) SL Morgan T’kon (morganrich@yahoo.ca)-[TIE]

Motto: First in and last out of battles, brothels and bars!
1) CPT Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)-[TIE]
2) LCM Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)-[TIE]
3) LT Frederik Greyson Junior (Greyson@firemail.de)-[TIE]
4) LCM Drear (Wouterson@wanadoo.nl)-[TIE]

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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