Typhoon Report # 0 (2000-07-17)

This report was submitted by COL Callista

Typhoon Squadron Report

As submitted by CMDR/COL Callista on Monday, July 17th, 2000.


CM Vorru is the new CMDR of Alpha Squadron, Wing I, after Sariss has been promoted to Flight Officer.

The TC.org domain has been experiencing some problems on its new server, but most of the errors have been fixed by TAC Kawolski.


CPT Kronn, CMDR of Tornado, has returned from leave.

CPT Calvin Nunb is acting CMDR for Inferno while Manitsas is gone.


Branny’s back from holiday!! :) Great to have you back again, now help us kick ass (sorry, bum) in the Squadron League and ECR!

Unfortunately, CPT Andron has not given me a valid reason for not flying TC 155 for CR 10, nor for not writing a story for ECR. Adding to this, he hasn’t flown anything since he joined. He has been asked to transfer out of Typhoon.

Replacing Andron, a new Sub-Lieutnant will join us soon, and you know him very well. It’s Morgan T’kon alias Richie! :P

LT Flechette will be on leave for two weeks as of now. I hope you’ll be back in time to fly CR 11 ;/


Well, CR 10 is over. We’ve had 6 submissions, so we got at least a squadron citation. Sadly enough, Domi and Andron didn’t fly and Xeraan, Elwood, Frederik and Branny couldn’t fly. But Branny’s back now, and Frederik should have his TIE CD back soon, and for those other two Germies, I got their tel. no.s so if they’re not back very soon I can hassle them :P

The Graphics section of Exercise Cantina Run is your primary objective now! I’ve already had some submissions, which is cool, but I want at least ONE submission from EVERY pilot in this squadron, no matter how bad you might be at graphics. I suck at them as well, and I made some :P (see above) The deadline is Friday, 21st of July!

Remember our little Monthly Squadron Competition? Yes? Good :P Fly TC 45 until July 31st and earn yourself an ISM for the highest score (laserless). Remember these are to get us squadron citations, not to annoy you (well, not primarily :P).

I’m still looking for someone who could do a homepage for Flight 3... anyone interested? Contact me.


CMDR/COL Callista
- Designed a free mission
- Designed some graphics

FM/LT Xeraan
- Still stripped off internet

FM/LT Flechette
- Completed TC 159, 10, 108, 127
- Completed DB 11
- Awarded a CoB
- Designed a graphic
- On leave

FM/LT Vader
- Reported in

FL/CM Ahkliat
- Designed a graphic
- Completed IWATS graphics course

- Reported in
- Pledged to make a battle and a graphic

FM/CPT Vexen
- Completed TC 158 + 159
- Made 2 graphics

FL/CPT Brandon
- Back from leave

FM/LCM Elwood the Brave
- Awarded a CoB
- Still stripped off internet

FM/LT Frederik Greyson Junior
- Reported in

FM/LCM Talon Drear
- Completed TC 155
- Made a graphic


COMMANDER: COL Callista (muehn005@mail.Uni-Mainz.de)-[Tie]
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: "We will fly the winds of DEATH!!"
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typh.cjb.net

Homepage: http://typhoon.clanhappy.com
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart!
1) COL Callista (muehn005@mail.Uni-Mainz.de)-[TIE]
2) LT Xeraan Razzazor (xeraan.razz@gmx.net)-[TIE]
3) LT William Flechette (i3abovethenight@aol.com)-[TIE]
4) LT Vader (egonzalez@outside.com.ar)-[TIE]

Homepage: http://typhoon2.squadron.org/Hurricane.html
Motto: Always ready, always deadly!
1) CM Ahkliat (methran@cs.com)-[TIE]
2) COL Domi (johnny.rage@home.net)-[TIE]
3) CPT Vexan (Imavexen@yahoo.com)-[TIE]
4) TBA

1) CM Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)-[TIE]
2) LCM Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)-[TIE]
3) LT Frederik Greyson Junior (Greyson@firemail.de)-[TIE]
4) LCM Drear (Wouterson@wanadoo.nl)-[TIE]

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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