Typhoon Report # 0 (2000-06-26)

This report was submitted by COL Callista


As submitted by CMDR/COL Callista on Monday, June 26th, 2000.


EH Cosmopolitan #5 has been released! Go check out ‘The Assault on Mannheim‘ with lots of funny pics from the Germany EH Meeting! :P Go to http://www.impstar.net/ehcosmo/index.htm

The COM of the ISD Grey Wolf, Cyric, has been promoted to VA!

Sarriss and Trench have won Miss/Mr. EH respectively (boo!).

The new Wing Commander for Wing IX has been appointed by VA Ari – MAJ Tethys! Congrats :)

With the resignation of LC Mell as Wing VIII Wing Commander, LC Oldham has taken over the spot.

Former Alpha CMDR and new Miss EH (boo! :P) Sarriss has been promoted to Vice Admiral for taking over the Command Attachés position to the Flight Officer. Another CA is sought, apply to AD Nighthawk!

The new Recon Officer is AD Slage!

A new Medal can now be awarded by the Tactical Office, the Medal of Tactics – Blue Hammer. It is intended for those who help the Tactical Office correct battles and missions and such.


LC Oldie has left Tempest Squadron without a CMDR and been promoted to Wing XIII Wing Commander, taking over LC Mell’s former spot. A new Tempest CMDR is sought, apply to WC/MAJ Darklord and COM/VA Corran Force.

Thunder’s Flight 1 has a homepage: http://thunderflight1.squadron.org

Cyclone’s Flight 2 has also set up a site: http://www.terravista.pt/copacabana/7697/


LCM Rich has left us due to real life circumstances and problems to get TIE started on his new computer, too bad, just before he was in for a promotion... LT Jalek has left us as well.

With Rich’s resignation, we need a new Flight Leader. If none of you wish to apply for this spot (although I would like to see one of you to be able to advance in rank), I will post on the message boards and maybe find us a new member.

For the good news this week, our own beloved CPT Vexan has been awarded the GoE for her tireless flying and unstoppable service to the fleet! Congrats again Vexie :)

LT Elwood has finally been promoted to LCM, congrats, your promo is well-deserved :)


Well, the Wing X vs. Wing IV competition did have a very disappointing turnout AGAIN! It’s sad to see that some of you don’t seem to show interest in your Wing’s reputation in the fleet. Thanks to those who flew.

The Squadron League is about to start again. Combat Run 10 should be released on July 1st and will last until July 15th, so be prepared.

Remember the Flight Motto and Nickname competition! Submit mottos and nicknames for any of Typhoon’s flights and you may earn yourself an ISM!

I have now sent our runon to the whole ship so everyone can participate if they want to. Of course you can still contribute to the runon and are expected to do so.

How about one or two or even three of you take some time to design a cosy little flight homepage for your flight? I’ll be more than happy to award you with an ISM if your homepage is good and shows the relevant info on your flight and maybe a bit more. If you’re interested, email me and I’ll tell you what should be on such a page. And you can as well do a new homepage for Flight 1, I’ll be glad to remove mine, it’s crappy anyway :P


CMDR/COL Callista
- Completed Free TIE 55
- Completed CAB 2
- Completed DB 13
- Awarded a PC
- Wrote a bit for the runon

FM/LT Xeraan Rhazzazor
- Informed that he has temporarily lost internet access

FM/SL Vader
- Got a new joystick and pledged to start flying tomorrow morning! :P

- On leave

FM/CPT Vexan
- Completed ID 1-4
- Completed TC 156
- Completed DB 1-5, 7-12
- Awarded the GoE
- Awarded a PC
- Completed 10 Free missions
- Completed XWA-TC 6
- Completed IW 24, 6
- Completed BHG 1
- Wow.

FM/CPT Andron
- Wrote for the runon (2nd version)
- On leave

FL/CM Brandon
- Completed Free TIE 99
- Completed Free TIE 108
- Completed TC 143, 124, 156, 5, 50
- Completed IW 1
- Completed IWATS SM/2 Test with 98%
- Awarded a BS
- Wow #2

FM/LCM Elwood the Brave
- Promoted to LCM
- Awarded 2 LoCs
- Awarded an ISM
- Completed TC-XvT 4
- Completed TC-BoP 2, 3, 10
- Completed TC-XWA 4
- Completed BoP-Free 1 and 2
- Completed XWA-Free 10 – 12
- Wow #3

FM/LT Frederik Greyson Junior
- Completed TC 153
- Completed TC 17

FM/LCM Talon Drear
- Nothing?

Nice to see some great activity from some people :)


COMMANDER: COL Callista (muehn005@mail.Uni-Mainz.de)-[Tie]
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: "We will fly the winds of DEATH!!"
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typh.cjb.net

Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/Cal19/Entry.htm
1) COL Callista (muehn005@mail.Uni-Mainz.de)-[TIE]
2) LT Xeraan Razzazor (xeraan.razz@gmx.net)-[TIE]
3) TBA
4) SL Vader (egonzalez@outside.com.ar)-[TIE]

1) TBA
2) COL Domi (johnny.rage@home.net)-[TIE]
3) CPT Vexan (Imavexen@yahoo.com)-[TIE]
4) CPT Andronicus (mad_dog_mcd@tdef.freeserve.co.uk)-[TIE]

1) CM Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)-[TIE]
2) LCM Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)-[TIE]
3) LT Frederik Greyson Junior (Greyson@firemail.de)-[TIE]
4) LCM Drear (Wouterson@wanadoo.nl)-[TIE]

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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