Ranger Report # 16 (2000-08-21)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Squadron News
  • WC Adrenaline was promoted to COM RA Adrenaline. Congrats !
  • BS went to all Ranger pilots for our outstanding work in XWA leage !
  • PC went to LCM M. Stephenson for his outstanding score in the last XWA league round
  • ISM went straight ahead to LT Gidda !
Squadron Status
  • ECR - Fly 3 of the following battles: XWA 5,6,6; TIE 48,108,123. They are due to this Friday 0000 CET, 1800 EST
    I demand from all of you to fly these even if you completed them already. Try to get higher scores. We have
    win! RA Adrenaline expects a participation rate of 100% by us. In my oppinion it is a sign that she likes us :P
  • Wing XI elite comp - FTIE 119 is du to Wednesday 0000 CET, 1800 EST
Activity reports
  • CPT Toran Dan(0) - BSF, administrative work
  • LT Gidda(+22) - Completed TIE77, FTIE 107,119
  • LT Phoenixian(o) - no contact
  • CM Mycroft(+39) - Completed XWA 7,8 ; TIE 48,108; FTIE 119
  • LCM M.Stephenson(+12) - Completed TIE 154;DB9;FTIE119
  • COL Shadow(0) - Made Flightsuite
  • CM Banger(+1) - Completed FXWA 7
  • LCM G.Darkonian(0) - no contact
CMDR/CPT Toran Dan/Ranger 1-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
ACO Toran Dan (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/TC/ISD Immortal

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