Ranger Report # 26 (2000-10-29)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Squadron News
  • Lets welcome SL Brad Larson, a fresh pilot from Platform Daedalus
  • ISD Immortal and Rager Squadron message boards are flooded with posts by us. Great work guys. Let's show them who the Lurps are :P
  • CM Ramos Kanzco left Ranger Squadron. He is now the LOA and XMO of the FMC
  • LT Phoenixian left Ranger Squdron because of school
Squadron Status/Orders
  • Octoberfest - It's still running. Fly all TC-XWA battles (1-9) until the 31st of this month
  • COM's own escort squadron - Mission to fly is FXWA-10. All pilots except SL Brad Larson have completed this mission. But there is still some time left until the 31st which is the deadline.
Activity Reports
MAJ Toran Dan(99) - Administrative work, reinstalled his windows,
LCM Gidda(142) - Completed XWA 4,9 and IW-XWA 26, posted on messageboards
LCM M. Stephenson(93) - Completed IW-XWA 26, posted on messageboards
SL Brad Larson (0) - Joined the squadron
CM Banger(111) - Posted a lot on the messageboards
LCM G. Darkonian(68) - Completed FXWA 17(HS), IW-XWA24 (HS), posted on messageboard
As you can see, not much happend this week. But this might change :P  As I can see, we have a really good chance to win the COMs own title so stay tuned soldiers and don't drink too much... And I think it will be time for another round of Ranger Ace fighting...
CMDR/MAJ Toran Dan/Ranger 1-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BS/PCx8/ISMx12/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-m/1-m/2-SM/2-GFX-IIC-PHP1-PHP2}[AoT-SPAG-Gen-IRC-Infil]
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/TC/ISD Immortal

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