Ranger Report # 30 (2000-11-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Yes, I know. This report is 2 days too late written and yes, this is the 30th report I have written. I am now the CMDR over this great a** kicking Squadron for over 7 months. I hope I have done my job good so far. I would appreciate it very much if you write me some mails with complaiments, new ideas etc. But now lets head over to the official part of this report...
(Please note, due time restrictions because of a Test phase at school, this report is short)
Squadron News
  • I am very proud to report that LCM Gidda and LCM Gord Darkonian have been awarded the Medal of Tactics, one of the medals which is hard to get. I hope to see some more battles by you guys :P
  • More medal awards: ISM went to LCM M. Stephenson, LCM Gidda and LCM G. Darkonian
                                  BS went to CM Banger
  • CM Spearhawk has brought shame over himself and our Squadron. But with these words I don't allow you to punish him!(Just grab him and bring him to me, I will do the rest >;P )
Squadron Status/Orders
  • Messageboard activity steady
  • Dark Storm Rising - The Storm has arrived. To your cockpits pilots. We are at war with Hey Squadron. We are going to prove which squadron the better is. Participating pilots of the winning Squadron will recieve an ISM for their fight! Details can be found here:  http://www.imperialacademy.org/compdetails.asp?ID=246
    Mission to fly: FXWA - 22
    Date: 29/11/2000 - 06/12/2000
      (Files have to be in my inbox on 06/12/00 at 1800 CET)
  • Wow - (Week of War) Go to this http://www.battlestats.com/games/xwa/war/rules/?wow100 and sign up. Then fight on the Zone against other pilots of Wing XIII, VI, and Avenger Squadron . We need to win or shame will come over our ship!!!! The fight continues until Friday. You can play 24 hours a day.
 Activity Reports
MAJ Toran Dan(19) - Administrative work; wrote story for Imm vs Greywolf "The Lurp Factor"
LCM Gidda(54) - Created TC-XWA 11 "Heroes of the Immortal"; -2 points
LCM M.Stephenson(123) - Wrote story for Imm vs Greywolf "The Light"
CM Banger(28) - Completed FXWA 22; -2 points
LCM G. Darkonian(103) - Wrote story for Imm vs Greywolf "Who did it"

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