Ranger Report # 2 (2000-05-14)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Greetings Squadron. I hope you had a nice week and enjoyed the european song contest ;-)  We grew up to now 6 pilots and I hope our newbies will have an easy  start.
I also want to say, that you did a great job. We were given to Squadon titles and were under the best Squadrons in the comps. I was able to flood the mailboxes with BSFs and we have some of our citations back.
But here we go:
Squadron News
  • LT Turbo was declared MIA and was removed from the TC Roster
  • SL Gidda and SL Gord Darkonian joined our Squadron, welcome !
  • Ranger Squadron took second place in SL Combat Run #8 after Falcon Squadron
  • CM Mycroft awarded an ISM, congrats !
  • CM Mycroft is helding many XWA highscores
  • CM Toran Dan awarded the BG title "Pilot of the month"
  • Ranger Squadron was given the title "BG Squadron of the month"
  • Ranger Squadron was given the title "Wing Commanders own" for April
Squadron Status
  • Red Alert ! Our well liked COM started a new competition. Mission to fly is XWA #6. All pilotfiles have to be send to my by  30st May! Top Ace of the Wing will recieve a PC, every pilot in the Top Squadron will get an ISM. I hope and demand a PARTICIPATING rate of 100%. We have the chance to show how good we are, and we are good! So kick ass ! ;-)
  • XWA League - Battle to fly is FXWA 8. Pilots file to be send until 22.05.2000 to me...
Activity reports
  • CMDR/CM Toran Dan - CMDR duties (BSF, homepage, uniforms); IRC, message boards; completed TIE #24, #26; XWA #5, FTIE #105
  • SL Gidda - no activity (until now) :-)
  • CM Mycroft - Awarded ISM; IRC; message boards; Flight 2 report; completed FTIE #105, # 79; TIE #13, #17, #24, #26; FXWA #4; XWA #4
  • LT Mark Stephenson - completed XWA #1, #2, #5, #6; FXWA #8; FTIE #91; IW #18; XvT #1
  • LCM Banger - IRC; completed FTIE #79, #105, #112; XWA #6; made two Ranger banners.
  • SL Gord Darkonian - no activity (until now, except two emails) :-)
  • To our new pilots. If you aren't able to complete XWA #1, fly instead XWA #6. It's a lot easier as XWA #1. Sorry, I didn't know how hard XWA #1 is. :-)

Nickname: Nightmare's Reality
Motto: Don't Test Us
1) CM Toran Dan (toran_dan@web.de)
2) SL Gidda (gidda@freemail.it)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Hellfish
Motto: Fly with us or choose your fate and die
1) CM Mycroft (eh_mycroft@sverige.nu)
2) LT Mark Stephenson (lippy1@madasafish.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Shadows of Space
Motto: Those who are brave can only succeed
1) LCM Banger (banger1@btinternet.com)
2) SL Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Respectfully submitted,

           CMDR Toran Dan


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