Ranger Report # 6 (2000-06-11)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Greetings pilots, CMDRs and command staff. We finished another successfull week and we look forward to the little summer break.
Squadron News
  • OP "Silent Explosion" has ended and CMDR Chei Ras and me will calculate the winner.
  • Please vote for Ranger hp by clicking on this: http://www.jedinet.com , go to links, internationel pages, look for Ranger homepage and vote a raging 10 !
  • XWA League 2 round 3 has ended and it seems to be that we rock again. 100% participation and.... wait for my mail about it :P
  • We won the ISD Immortal competition (XWA 6) congrats pilots
  • Ranger Squadron was again chosen for "BG Squadron of the month"
  • CM Mycroft awarded PC for winning Plotline competition 
  • LT Gord Darkonian recieved PC for being Top pilot in second round of XWA league
  • LT Phoenixian recieved a MoI
Squadron Status
  • We are still in war with Wing III of the SSSD Sovereign. Battle to fly is FXWA 12. It is very important that we all fly this battle because I think we all want to kick the asses of the Wing III pilots...
  • Ranger Squadron uniform patch comp is still running. Thanks to the idea of COL Shadow we soon will have a nice patch for our uniforms. I have to very good images by CM Mycroft and Major Adrenaline, but I hope to see more. Winning patch will be chosen by vote and will recieve an ISM. Deadline, maybe next Saturday. Just tell me if you need more time.
Activity reports
CM Toran Dan - Uniforms,hp, BSFs; completed TIE 121, FXWA 10
LT Gidda - Completed FXWA 10,12; TIE 121
LT Phoenixian - Completed FXWA 10, XWA 1
CM Mycroft - Completed FXWA 10; submitted Plotline
LCM M. Stephenson - Completed FXWA 10, XvT 6, TIE 19,21,22,121
COL Shadow - Completed FXWA 10, TIE 121
LCM Banger - Completed FXWA 10, TIE 24,25,27,152,153
LT Gord Darkonian - Completed FXWA 1,2,3,10,12, XWA 2

Nickname: Nightmare's Reality
Motto: Don't Test Us
1) CM Toran Dan (toran_dan@web.de)
2) LT Gidda (gidda@freemail.it)
3) LT Phoenixian (Phoenixian@firemail.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Hellfish
Motto: Fly with us or choose your fate and die
Homepage: http://www.informatik.umu.se/~svpv0018/HellFish/
1) CM Mycroft (eh_mycroft@sverige.nu)
2) LCM Mark Stephenson (lippy1@madasafish.com)
3) COL Shadow (ColShadow@aol.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Shadows of Space
Motto: Those who are brave can only succeed
1) LCM Banger (banger1@btinternet.com)
2) LT Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

And at least some personel words by me... I can only say that I am very happy about being CMDR of such a nice Squadron. You worked very hard but we can say that we are:
  1. Wing Commanders own Squadron x 2
  2. BG Squadron of the month x 2
It is the fact that we have some of the best pilots of the TC so the next round goes on me... :-)
PS (Germany will win the EURO 2000 ;P)
CMDR/CM Toran Dan/Ranger 1-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/TC/ISD Immortal

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