Ranger Report # 8 (2000-06-25)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Hi gang, I hope you're doing fine, so let's get on for this report :P
Squadron News
  • I am trying to make a Flash movie intro for our hp but it can take a while... maybe CM Mycroft can give me some advises :P
  • LT Gord Darkonian awarded a PC for being Top Gun in the Imm vs Wing III comp - congrats!
  • A lot of pilotfiles flew into my inbox (much work for me :P)
Squadron Status (Red Alert)
  • XWA League 2 round 4 is running|  Mission to fly: FXWA 9 - to be in my inbox: 30/06/00
  • VA Marc has integrated a new honour guard system. All pilots who have flown all XWA missions and battles will be a member of the honour guard list, with pilots that have at least 5 high scores earning the Golden Battalion . As it stands right now, MAJ Weasel is the only pilot listed, so get working pilots!
  • Ranger Squadron patch comp has ended and we will choose a winner by vote. PLease go to THIS
Activity reports
CM Toran Dan (+0) - BSF, updated homepage, uniforms, created ERU GUN boat "Tobender Sturm"
LT Gidda (+0) - Created Squadron patch
LT Phoenixian (+0) - Is completing XWA 2 and FXWA 9
CM Mycroft (+0) - Created Squadron patch, is on leave until 25/06/00
LCM M. Stephenson (+21) - Completed TIE 34,36,38,156(new highscore), FXWA 9
COL Shadow(+3) - Completed XWA 2
LCM Banger(+21) - Completed TIE 17,18,19,20,23,53; IW_XWA 24
LT Gord Darkonian(+15) - Completed FXWA 9,Submitted INPR; recieved PC for being Top pilot in Imm vs Wing III comp
That's it for this week. I hope you will read and maybe enjoy it. :P
CMDR/CM Toran Dan/Ranger 1-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/TC/ISD Immortal

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