TCCOM Report # 29 (2013-10-02)

This report was submitted by TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISDII Hammer

TIE Corps Command Report
Weekly Report #29 – Submission date: September 29th 2013

Welcome to this week’s TCCOM report,

The time has finally come!! The data transfer is currently ongoing, and in about a day or so we will have out dedicated TIE Corps database back. This is a major accomplishment for the TC, provided by COL Zósite. I will not be forgotten. Of course, we also have to mention Dempsey, who was the first creator of this very database Zósite upgraded. Thank you both! I hope this will mean a new age for the TIE Corps, and that it will cause some members to return to active duty…starting with Frothy, Tempest and Mell. That’s right! It’s about to become way cooler to be active!

There is no argue that we all enjoy our Playstations, Xboxes, new PCs and whatnot, but you have to agree with me that there is no higher gaming sensation than jumping in a TIE cockpit and blasting rebels away. What I mean is, the fun is already there, in the games. What we plan to achieve with the new database is to provide a better service to the members, so we can not only enjoy the games itself, but also the atmosphere created by being part of this fleet, which was somewhat lost a while ago. We hope you take very good advantage of the new database’s functions.

You already know this, but, just as a reminder, all EH database functions related to the TC are halted. We will start using the new database for everything TC related once the transfer is complete.

Someone just told me that some High Admiral is actually testing the battle for Karana phase 4…and it’s not me…nor Dempsey…


* The time has come!!

* Karana 4 has a new tester… Do I have to say his name!??!

T/D Astra Fighter’s Flight Status

- TCCOM’s T/D being refitted…new game installations will be required…I actually got my old laptop back, but have not had the chance to use it yet…and it’s annoying me already…

TCCOM’s Other Activities

- Prepared the fleet for TC’s database transfer
- Performed database updates
- Usual TCCOM activities

Fleet Wide Competitions

* Dempsey's Anniversary Bash E
Start Date: September 1, 2013
End Date: October 6, 2013
Groups involved: entire TC
Awards: 5x IS-SW/BW, 1x IS-GW/SW/BW at the end
Celebrating my 1st year anniversary as Delta sqn Commander! part E: TC wide flying Each report in September I will give you one battle for each platform. Weekly winner determined based on your relative battle score compared to the current high score. And an extra shiny at the end based on the highest overall relative score!
Comp Admin: COL Anahorn Dempsey

* Dempsey's Anniversary Bash F
Start Date: September 1, 2013
End Date: October 6, 2013
Groups involved: entire TC
Awards: 5x IS-SR/BR, 1x IS-GR/SR/BR
Celebrating my 1st year anniversary as Delta sqn Commander! part F: screenshots Each report in September I will give you 5 screenshots from movies. Weekly winners and extra shinies for the overall winners!
Comp Admin: COL Anahorn Dempsey

* Ace of the TIE Corps 2013
Ace of the TIE Corps
Start Date: March 1, 2013
End Date: December 31, 2013
Groups involved: Entire TC
Awards: IS-GW/SW/BW monthly for the top 3 pilots on the website's Kill Board IS-PW/GW/SW/BW for the top 4 pilots at the end of the month
Each mission flown earns you a point for the competitions. Whoever scores most points win. Each mission only counts once. The numbers on the Kill Board at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied; missions not yet processed will count towards the next month.
Comp Admin: LC Anahorn Dempsey

Quotes of the Week

1 – HA Dempsey: “It’s a dream come true”

I’ll say…


- None this week


- None this week

Open Command Positions

- Epsilon Squadron Flight 3 Leader


Very exciting times!!

Respectfully submitted,

TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISD-II Hammer [CNTR] [Officer 4th]

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