ISDII Warrior Report # 9 (2021-03-08)

This report was submitted by COM-TOA/RA Zekk Terrik/ISDII Warrior


REPORTING OFFICER: Rear Admiral Zekk TerrikDATE SUBMITTED: March 8 2021


This month's evaluation went so much faster. Three out of our four squadrons are done, and two of them received their medals already. Congratulations to everyone who received one, and congratulations to CPT Robert Hogan of Sin on his most recent promotion. We will watch your career with great interest.
Special shoutout to LCM Aardvark who placed in last month's TCiB.
Lastly special shoutout to GN Pickled Yoda, whose dual profile as TAC was promoted to Fleet Admiral. We will know what, no we won't.
Would like to see some good submissions for the Mascot competition (see below - please email to me at and for History of the Warrior, of which there are 5 days remaining!
I'd really like to see a renewed focus on TCiB among all squadrons, and I'm already seeing some. Great work guys!


The roster currently stands at 45 members as we continue to trim the fat.


Make sure you catch episode 7 of The TIE Pilot Podcast at this link, where CM Jack Wynand and I discuss the early history of the EH with SA Maverick. We have migrated ALL episodes of TTPP to the official EH YouTube channel.
I am proud to welcome COL Doyon to the crew of The TIE Pilot Podcast. We are currently working on episode 8!
Led by COL Mordechi Wolfe of Sin Squadron, we have progressed to Phase II of Project Sovereign. CPT Genie and COL Silwar have taken the lead in designing the Imperial Armory.
A new TIE Corps logo is soon to be released! It's my understanding that we are just working on the coloring.
TIE Corps in Battle, March assignments are out!
Trivia Grand Tour is out, and boy did I absolutely bomb the first round. -_-


I have had a couple of people reach out to me about being long-term interested in a CMDR spot. I want to encourage anyone who's interested, even if you've been a CMDR before, to reach out to me so we can begin the process.
History of the Warrior competition is out! See it in the competitions section below!
Warrior Mascot competition is out! See below!
Warrior MP night was a good success, looking forward to doing it again! I am also looking to draft people interested in hosting it, which will give us more flexibility. Maybe rotate the hosting between squadrons? Thoughts?


History of the Warrior - You may notice that the Warrior currently has no backstory on our Wiki page. It is time to create one.

Turn in a new fiction of at least 200 words to qualify! Please email it directly to

I will judge the best submissions. Please note that there is an entry for an ISD Warrior on Wookieepedia, but this may not be the same Warrior!

Let's get creative with this because it WILL be added to the official EH wiki when I choose the winner and become EH canon! Did this ship serve during the Galactic Civil War or did Ronin have it built? What famous battles did we participate in and what famous heroes have been stationed on this ship? Famous drunken parties? Remember that time we saved the fleet from certain destruction? Get as creative and as in depth as you want!

Warrior Mascot - Due to a very weird conversation we had in #theta where we were making fun of Firebird Squadron, we came up with the idea of Fireporgs. It occurred to me that the ISD Warrior needs an 'unofficial' mascot (although if I like it enough it'll be made official). So let's what you guys can come up with! This is my first time trying a kind of out there art competition...I hope it is successful!

It can be a serious or hilarious mascot, as long as it doesn't look anything like that weirdo mascot the Phillies have.


Here’s some fleet-wide competitions currently going on:
TIE Corps In Battle
TIE Fighter - TIE TC 76 Mirror Universe
X Wing vs TIE Fighter - XvT TC #23 The ASF Fishing Trip
X Wing Alliance - XWA TC 8 Hammer to Anvil
SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021

Every Single Player mission flown earns the pilot a point on the Kill Board and the top three pilots at the end of the month earn medals. Yearly, the top four pilots earn medals.

Each mission only counts once for the year, but missions flown in previous years can be reflown for points on the Kill Board (but not additional FCHG points). The Kill Board statistics on the TIE Corps website are final.

IS-GW/SW/BW for top 3 monthly, at the end of the year the top 4 pilots win IS-PW/GW/SW/BW. The top pilot at the end of the year also receives the title of SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021.
March COO Objective Scramble: The Invincibles
There will be a rotating COO Objective each month for a chosen platform and goal. This month is based upon a combination of two benchmarks in Dogfight, the most kills combined with the least deaths.

Submit your best game scoreboard screenshots from Squadrons Dogfight mode containing the most kills and the least deaths via e-mail at between March 1, 2021 (0:00 GMT) and March 31, 2021 (23:59 GMT). The COO and COOAs will have access to these submissions and place them in an online tally. At the end of the month, the top three pilots will be determined and be given awards.

In the case of a tie score, the determining factor is which pilot had the least deaths. If kills and deaths are tied, score will be the breaker.

To encourage further participation, each winning pilot per month will be given a rating of 3 points at maximum, scalable to 2 or 1 if less than 3 pilots participate a month. The top three pilots at the end of the year will attain the annual awards.
COO's Star Wars Challenge Episode VII - 2021
Welcome to the 2021 refresh of the COO's Star Wars Challenge.

Platforms Involved:
X-Wing vs TIE Fighter,
X-Wing Alliance,

Objective: Accumulate the most missions in a Star Wars branded approved multiplayer platform. You may submit PvP battles (Legion of Combat) or PvE battles (Legion of Skirmish). You have from 00:00 GMT on the first day of the month to begin and your submissions must be approved by the Combat Operations Office no later than 23:59 GMT on the last day of the month.

At the end of the month the totals will be tallied for each pilot's LoC and LoS scores and totaled into a sum. The top three scoring pilots will receive the respectively monthly reward based on ranking.

There will also be an ongoing annual ranking so you are encouraged to continue participation. The top pilot will be given 3 points for that month towards that ranking, reduced to 2 or 1 if there are less than 3 pilots participating each month. At the end of the year, the top three pilots overall will receive the annual awards.
Squadrons Completionist
Given the current set of achievements in the game of Squadrons, a race for the entire TC on who will complete all the achievements of the game first.

Any new achievements that will be added after Oct 2020 do not need to be completed.

Art creation competitions:

Stay In The Lines -
Each week (or most weeks), LCM Neko will post art in the Tempest WSR. Choose your favorite and color it in however you want - crayons, watercolors, pastels, or anything - and email it to Silwar Naiilo (#12630) by the last day of the month. Neko will choose her favorite and the runners-up.
The TIE Pilot Podcast - Join COL Doyon and me as we interview people from all across the history of the TIE Corps and discuss topics of interest to the fleet! Got an idea for a show? Receive a free Iron Star if you do! Let myself or COL Doyon know!

For a full list of the current competitions:


Attempting to get 4 knuckleheads together for episode 8 of TTPP. Still pretty lazy about it, honestly. :)
Played some SC.
Rummaged through Hav's unmentionables.


The Warrior is slowly getting its crap together, let's keep it going boys!
Until next time, the only way forward is THROUGH!

RA Zekk Terrik, Commodore of the TIE Corps Flagship

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