SIMS Report # 1 (2020-06-19)

This report was submitted by CMDR-SIMS/GN Phoenix Berkana/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer



Greetings all and welcome to a new report format!


Turn 16 is now complete - we've doubled up the number of rounds per day in order to reach our next combat situation ASAP as we're passing the halfway point of the 30 turn game.


At the moment both Admirals (HA Elwood for the HAMMER & FA Silvius for the WARRIOR) are shifting their pieces around the map - rest assured they're eager for some combat! Keep those joysticks ready though as I am anticipating something big in the very near future!




Hammer Score: 10740

Warrior Score: 21480




Map below for those who've not been following the action - Hammer held worlds in red, Warrior held in blue.





We’re speeding towards our next combat situation, so keep those joysticks at hand!


CMDR-SIMS/GN Phoenix Berkana/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

GS/SS/BS/PCx11/ISMx17/IS-1SW-1GR-3SR-26BR/MoI/MoC-3doc-4poc-4goc-4soc-31boc/CoLx4/CoB/LoA/OV-20E [Hussar] {TCCORE-SM/2-WIKI}



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