ISDII Warrior Report # 40 (2019-08-31)

This report was submitted by COM/VA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior


REPORTING OFFICER: Vice Admiral Hav Antiel, Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 18 August 2019


Welcome to this week's Warrior report. The big news this week is that SL Zwilf has joined us as Sin 2-2. Welcome to the TIE Corps flagship, Sub-lieutenant! In addition, LT McCrea earned the Medal of Instruction for recruiting SL Zwilf. Congrats, LT McCrea, and nice work!

There are less than two weeks left in the Squadron (Re)Mobilization competition. Sin Squadron has completed four tasks, Kappa has completed one task, and Theta is making progress. My plan to bust Kappa down to TIE Bombers is looking more and more unlikely; I'll need help from Kappa to complete the 5+ objectives required to change their fighters. Maybe TIE Interceptors would be more their speed. I'm still aiming to complete the 40 battles and 20 reviews tasks, so watch out Kappa! You might become Frown's personal VIP service after all...

August's Escort Flight competitions are underway. There are already four Warriors on the SP Kill Board and three on the MP/Coop Kill Boards. That's not bad, and there are still two weeks remaining. Keep it up, Warriors!


A full list of active competitions is available on


32 Strong (+1) -


Commodore's Escort Flight
Top Four for June (MP)

  1. GN Earnim Branet - 7th month - IS-BW
  2. GN Dunta Polo - 7th month - IS-BW

Wing Commander's Escort Flight
Top Four for June (SP)

  1. MAJ Rando8 - 7th month - IS-BW
  2. LT SL8c8 - 7th month - IS-BW
  3. LT McCrea - 1st month - IS-BW
  4. GN Earnim Branet - 3rd month - IS-SW

What I've been up to since my last report:

  • Completed five Imperial University courses
  • Participated in Trivia Grand Tour
  • Practiced my new small arms skills with my handy NERF blaster

The only way forward is through.

VA Hav Antiel
COM/VA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior
GSx2/SSx6/BSx9/PCx7/ISMx13/IS-1PW-11GW-20SW-38BW-5GR-14SR-49BR/MoI/LoC-Rx2/LoS-CSx6-Rx2/MoC-4doc-4poc-4goc-4soc-32boc/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx9/OV-5E [EXCR] [Trainee] [Private 4th] {TCCORE-COE-MCBS-MP/2-SM/4-TM/3-WIKI}

Commodore of the TIE Corps Flagship
Ace of the TIE Corps 2018

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