Battlegroup III Report # 6 (2024-07-01)

This report was submitted by BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III


July 1, 2024
VA Locke Setzer


Greetings, pilots of Battlegroup III! We have a summer competition underway and some command changes to report on, along with other news in the fleet and the usual monthly awards and updates. Let's get started!

Battlegroup News and Competitions

Competition News - Battlegroup III Summer Games

The Battlegroup III Summer Games are ongoing! As a quick recap, this is a light-hearted competition running throughout the summer and is made up of a series of two-week events. Event #1, the XWA Time Trial, ended with a victory by CPT Jagged Fell III, with GN Master, MAJ Prost Varsis, and LCM Kieran Yoyo placing second, third, and fourth respectively.

Event #2 - the EA Battlefront II PvE Kill Count Challenge - is still underway, with three days remaining! This event challenges pilots to deliver a winning EABF2 PvE match with the most kills possible. Like all events in the BG3 Summer Games, it's not about how many matches you play - it's all about how well you can do in a single match!

No need to submit screenshots - just submit your winning PvE matches through the TIE Corps site as usual, and I will pull the four pilots with the top scores.

All entries for Event #2 must be submitted before 23:59 EH/UTC time this Thursday (July 4th, 2024). The next event will be subsequently announced this Friday, on July 5th. What might it be? Like the first two events, it's guaranteed to be skilled based, not activity/spam based. As for the platform? Keep your eyes open - it's not one I think you'll have to hunt long to find...

Check out the competition listing for additional details and hints on some of the events that might occur.

New Firebird Squadron Commander

As posted on the Discord, website, and elsewhere, please join me in congratulating TIE Corps veteran General Master on his appointment as our new Firebird squadron commander! While Master most recently served as Typhoon's executive officer, he has a long history with the TIE Corps and a soft spot in his heart for the Infiltrator Wing - both of which will serve him well in his new role!

Thanks as well to out-going commander and newly-promoted Major SirCaleb, who has offered to stay on as the squadron executive officer for the time being!

I'm looking forward to seeing what Firebird can accomplish under its new command structure! Good luck to both General Master and Firebird Squadron!

Competition Reminder - Trivia for the Challenged

Friendly reminder that Trivia for the Challenged is on-going, with this season in full swing! Every week, our own COL Miles Prower issues a new set of trivia questions, with topics ranging from anything from Star Wars proper to people and places in the Emperor's Hammer! Current season runs through October 31st, 2024, with monthly awards being given, as well as an IS-GR up for grabs for the season winner. It's never too late to jump in, so feel free to take a look at this week's questions if you haven't already!

Keep an eye on #bg3-competitions-announcements on the Discord server to see where to find the latest trivia questions and to see the current standings! Otherwise, for more information about this competition, please view the competition listing.

Expansion Squadron Update

In an on-going effort to be forthright, I want to keep you all posted on the current expansion effort. With the roster actively teetering towards full capacity, this is still an initiative we intend to pursue, although what it looks like in its final version may vary from what was originally planned.

At this moment, which squadron will be reopened is still in flux, although I believe we're getting closer to a final decision. That being said, I would still encourage anyone with interest in taking on a greater leadership role in the club to reach out to me about this initiative.

I do want to take a moment to acknowledge that I understand and respect that our current membership has a high amount of attachment and commitment to their current squadrons - something that, at the end of the day, I think holds real value. I want to thank everyone who discussed this effort with me to date. Very grateful for your honesty and your investment.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions - happy to discuss this at greater length with anyone who wants to talk about it. Thank you!

TIE Corps News and Competitions

New Platform - Star Wars: Hunters

In case you missed the news, last month saw the release of a new Star Wars third-person competitive arena combat game: Star Wars: Hunters.

Star Wars: Hunters is available on mobile (iPhone/Android) and on the Nintendo Switch for free - a price that is tough to beat! Considering the lack of a price tag (you don't even need the Nintendo Switch Online subscription to play on the Switch), I highly recommend you give it a try if you haven't already!

Hunters matches can be submitted for PvP wins like any other platform - provided you are on the winning team and score at least 150 points. For more information, please review the updated Combat Operations Manual section about Star Wars: Hunters.

Additionally, a fleet-wide competition is currently running for the season, encouraging pilots to try their hand at Ranked matches, with awards given out to pilots depending on the rank they manage to hit before the end of the season (August 1, 2024). For more information, please view the Star Wars: Hunters - Season 1 Ranked competition listing!

I also recommend popping into the Star Wars: Hunters General Chat channel on the Discord server for any questions you might have about the platform.

Happy Hunting!

New Competition - Trivia Grand Tour Season Eight

The Warfare Office has announced the return of the TIE Corps Trivia Grand Tour!

New trivia questions will be posted by the Warfare Officer every Monday night, with this next season lasting from July 1st through November 11th. Awards will be given out on a weekly, monthly, and season total basis.

The first week of trivia questions can be found here. For more information, please view the competition listing. Keep your eyes open every Monday evening on the #competition-announcements channel on the TIE Corps Discord server for the latest trivia questions!

Star Wars Squadrons SCL Team Building

Rear Admiral fr0zen has announced and taken leadership over a new initiative to help establish an TIE Corps team for the external Squadrons Championship League (SCL)'s competition 5 vs. 5 Fleet Battle league!

If this is something you're interested in being involved with, please reach out to RA fr0zen ( and jump into the Squadrons forum on the TIE Corps Discord server to see if you can get involved!

Battlegroup III Awards and Stats for June 2024

Battlegroup III Monthly Awards for June 2024

For the Battlegroup III monthly awards, congrats to the following:

  • For Battlegroup III Squadron of the Month for June 2024, congrats to Typhoon Squadron! Many of their pilots really embraced Star Wars: Hunters this month, making them the BG3 squadron with the most PvP wins for the month of June. Congrats to Typhoon!
  • For Battlegroup III Pilot of the Month for June 2024, congrats to Eagle Squadron's CM Odin Strongheart! CM Odin Strongheart had the most SP missions flown in BG3 this month, completing 175 single player missions in June. Congrats!
  • For Battlegroup III Leader of the Month for June 2024, congrats to newly-appointed Firebird Squadron Commander GN Master! Without getting too far into the details, Master's willingness to take on a leadership role within Battlegroup III and his commitment to do what was best for the fleet is the kind of leadership that each and every one of us here benefits from. Thank you General!

Battlegroup III Monthly Stats for June 2024

Stats of the Month:

  • Most Popular Platform (both by total activity AND by unique pilots): Star Wars: Hunters
  • Perhaps unsurprising, considering the above, but PvP matches were the most popular activity type this month.
  • Platforms used this month (from most unique pilots to least) included Star Wars: Hunters, X-Wing Alliance, EA Battlefront II, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter Total Conversion, Star Wars Squadrons, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of Power, Star Conflict, and EA Battlefront I.


Top Platforms (by number of participants):

  1. Star Wars: Hunters
  2. Star Wars Squadrons (tie)
  3. EA Battlefront II (tie)

Pilot with most PvP wins: CPT Jagged Fell III


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. EA Battlefront II
  2. Star Wars Squadrons
  3. Balance of Power (tie)
  4. Star Conflict (tie)

Pilot with most PvE wins: CPT Grendel


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. X-Wing Alliance
  2. TIE Fighter Total Conversion (tie)
  3. TIE Fighter (tie)

Pilot with most SP missions completed: CM Odin Strongheart


That's all for this month! As always, I highly encourage you to feel free to reach out if you have any questions about things going on in Battlegroup III, the TIE Corps, or anything else. My email is and my Discord name is LockeSetzer. Please use whichever is most convenient for you. My door is always open!

In Service,


BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III

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