COO Report # 1 (2024-05-28)

This report was submitted by COO/RA Colo Delste/TC-3/VSDII Aggressor

Chronicles of Aggression #1

From the Desk of RA Colo Delste
Submitted 2024-05-28

Welcome everyone to the first report since I took the reins from GN Silwar. My thanks to Silwar for the work he put into the Combat Operations Office, and I hope he is enjoying his time back in the line ranks as a FM in Tempest.

It has been a busy couple of months, with more on the horizon - details are below!

Projects and Activities

The Combat Operations Manual is being updated, with example/sample screenshots being added to help pilots who are either new to the TIE Corps or new to a platform ensure they are submitting the correct screens.

Other projects are happening in the background, including looking at games that may be supported by the TC and other updates. More on those in due time.

Squadron (Re)Mobilisation 2024

As this report is being written, ReMob is in its final few days. To date 2,257 Legions have been submitted and processed during the exercise, and I'm sure the last few days will see more. The COOA team has been phenomenal in ensuring that these are processed in a timely manner, and they have my utmost thanks and gratitude. Buy your friendly local COOA a drink (see the roster at the end of this report)!

Combat Events

A new Combat Event is going live from 1700 UTC on June 1st for Destiny 2 and running for a month of Saturdays. Full details available at the Combat Event page, but the intent behind this event is to get people together in game as much as possible.

Other Combat Events on the horizon includes TRA's "The Hex" event, which is more competitively minded - when that event is finalised, keep an eye out. Sign ups for the Hex are on the TRA Discord.

If you have any ideas about Combat Events, please feel free to reach out. I am interested in knowing what people would like to play, as well as providing opportunities for Distinguished Flying Crosses.

Combat Operations Office Statistics

Since the last report:

  • LoSs Awarded: 5702
  • LoCs Awarded: 3876
  • Denied: 1.10%
  • Average Processing Time: 8 hours

Activity for RA Colo Delste

Communication: Discord
Flight Activity: N/A
Other: COO Manual updates; match processing


COO Assistant Roster

  • CMDR-COOA/COL Miles Prower/Eagle
  • CMDR-COOA/COL Gytheran/Lambda
  • FM-COOA/GN Silwar Naiilo/Tempest 1-4
  • FM-COOA/GN Elwood the Brave/Alpha 1-2

HA Plif at 2024-06-01 (03:10)
Great first report, thanks for putting it together for us! A round of drinks for the COOAs on me and I'll have a drink with the COO next time I visit him on the Aggressor.

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