WO Report # 3 (2009-02-26)

This report was submitted by DEAN/VA Astin/SSSD Sovereign

I apologize for my lack of a report last week. The wife and I took a vacation to New York City last weekend, so I wasn't able to get a report out. I was, however, able to get IWATS back online! Thanks to LC Zosite who provided me webspace for IWATS, the academy is now online at http://iwats.isdchallenge.org. LC Zosite was awarded a PC for his invaluable efforts.

There are only a few courses online at this point, but I am constantly working on bringing courses up as fast as I can. As of right now, I only can use help from ex Professors who are willing to take on the updating of their old course. But keep an eye on the news page as I may ask for additional help in the future.

Now that IWATS is up and running, my biggest priorities right now are to get most all of the old courses online. Unfortunately, I am going to be holding off on SM and WM right now. They both need extensive rewrites, and the new TO has an alternative idea to implement these courses into fleetwide command courses. As soon as the new TC manual is released, getting IWATS Core and implementing a flight training program for new cadets will be my number one priority.

If you have any questions or run into any problems taking courses through IWATS, please let me know ASAP!


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