COO Report # 36 (2004-10-29)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

Combat Operations Officer Report 35:

Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Light Speed has been released. This new mmorpg game is focused on space combat in the Star Wars Universe. Pilots have the ability to fly several craft ranging from Tie Fighters to Skipray Blastboats. So far, the overall reaction to this game has been a positive. All members should know that this game is an expansion to SWG and it is not a XVT or XWA clone. This game is heavily based on "grinding" pilot skills to rate better ships, equipment, and weapons. Do not buy this game and SWG thinking you will jump into space flying a Tie Advanced!


  1. The EH finished 1st (TIED) in XWA WoW and 2nd in XVT WoW. Congrats to all those who flew. LoCs and DFCs for these events will be awarded on 29 October, 2004.

  2. Tau Squadron has continued their undefeated streak as the Combat Operations Office MP Squadron of the Fleet. I should work a deal and make them the Elite MP Squadron and give Avenger to the DB :p

  3. The COO Staff is currently working on a LoC award system for JTL. This system will be based on the Player vs Player interaction in game, and not on a XVT/XWA system. The new system will be fair and will be created to keep LoC/DFC inflation to a minimum. More than likely screen shots will be required for SWG LoCs. This can be accomplished via the ladder system with minimal effort.

  4. FreeWorlds 1.65 is soon to be released. The EH is currently working on our ship list. Everyone owes a special "thanks" to HA Patel for all of the hard work he has put into the FreeWorlds project. Without his leadership, this platform would not be such a success.

  5. As always you can find 24/7 LoCs at and EH Ladders at

  6. Look for BattleFront WoWs to begin soon. All Subgroups playing this game should join Battlestats so they can participate. I would highly encourage the creation of teams and team practices.

  7. Almost a year as the COO....yay!

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