WO Report # 0 (2003-11-17)

This report was submitted by AD Pel

OK, got two ideas in my mind now....one is to keep the damn game simple, like the outline I emailed to you and everyone....the other idea is to get many more people involved....

If we expand the map more (go back to a map more like what we used in IV) and assign each TFA multiple fleets, each to be commanded by a WC or COM, and we don't give the TFA the info direct on the movements...then the sub-commanders would have to be more involved.

So for instance, the TFA could outline his plans to his sub-commanders, who would then give and receive daily updates from the WO, and would only get back information from his sub-commanders.... we could also then (possibly) restrict pilots and SP points to that sub-commanders unit as well "forcing" more people to be active....

I can work up a game either way...let me know what you think will be better.....

WO/AD Pel/SSSD Sovereign [T/D "Falchion"]
[GSx2] [SSx2] [BSx5] [PCx2] [ISMx3] [MoI] [MoT -rh] [LoCx3] [MoC-13D-25P-14G-11S-16B] [CoLx2] [CoB] [OV-4E]
The Anla'shok - "We're Watching You"

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