COO Report # 32 (2004-10-02)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

COO News:

  1. XWA and XVT Weeks of War are over. The EH placed 2nd in XVT week of War and was a no show in XWA week of war. Then again, almost every club was a no show in XWA week of war :p

  2. Now that the WoWs are over, I am going to run the TC wide XVT and XWA single Elimination Tournaments. Sign up are at the COO MB:

  3. is your home of 24/7 LoC submissions

  4. is your home for EH Ladders. Anyone can create a ladder if they have an ELS account. If you want LoCS for your ladder, contact me prior to its start.

  5. Winners of Tek's Downtime Simulator Showdown are:

Brukhar #11259
Kysar X FW #11446
Zeth DUrron #10273

Shinobi #11064

ArchAngel #10608
Yoda #9555

  1. Have a good week!

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