WO Report # 0 (2003-09-21)

This report was submitted by AD Pel

Thank you Cyric. I will have the Fleets posted on the War Office by Wednesday night. On Thursday I will mail out the starting positions to all teams. Orders are expected to be received by midnight Eastern time. I work a disorganized schedule of days and nights, so some nights I will be staying up late to do the orders, and other nights I will be doing them after I get home, several hours after midnight. Please communicate to me all email addresses that you want included in the processing of orders. I will accept orders from any of the emails on that list, so that if you cannot get the orders in on time, someone else on the list can do it. FO Cyric will be getting copies of all emails I send out. If you have any further questions, please ask them now, so we can resolve them before the game starts. If you have not submitted a fleet to me, please do so.

WO/AD Pel/SSSD Sovereign [T/D "Falchion"]
[GSx2] [SSx2] [BSx5] [PCx2] [ISMx3] [MoI] [MoT -rh] [LoCx3] [MoC-13D-25P-14G-11S-16B] [CoLx2] [CoB] [OV-4E]
The Anla'shok - "We're Watching You"

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