COO Report # 29 (2004-09-11)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

COO News:

  1. The Dark Brotherhood JKO Players have finished second in their respective WoW. Outstanding work to Scoser who played (WTF?!) 194 games. Great work to him and all others. For those of you keeping track, thats a string of 1st (tied) in XVT, 1st in XWA, and now 2nd in JKO WoWs. Great work!

  2. Great work to all of our FreeWorld players in this weeks series of Territory Engagements. Last night we lost only the Golan Arms and the Coruscant Shipyards, which HA Pri calls a defensive victory on our part (The attackers in FW have a huge advantage). I will be shipping out LoCs to all participants as soon as I get their Pins :p

  3. All in all I would like to thank the members of the EH for the recent Flurry of MP play. All of you are making the club look very good.

  4. As always, any member with an ELS account can run and play in the EH ladders at This is a great system and is beneficial to any sort of MP event you want to run.

  5. 24/7 LoCs are at I score them 2X a week and award DFCs to the person with the most wins (over three) in that time period.

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