COO Report # 28 (2004-09-03)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

COO Report of Champions:

  1. For the first time in the History of our Club, the EH has won both XVT and XWA WoWs in the same month. This unprecedented achievement has been paired with two of our pilots winning overall pilot at each competition. Tek (Tau) won XVT for the second month in a row and our new pilot Nom Anor (XIV) won XWA! Tek finished with a 100% rating and Nom with a 98.81%.

  2. All XVT and XWA LoCs have been awarded. I have awarded special 2X LoCs for all pilots for our great accomplishment. I have also awarded several DFCs for specific wins in the Competition. Tek and Nom have also been put in for Merit Medals for their outstanding play.

  3. Tau Squadron remains the COO's MP Squadron. I do not think anyone has a chance of knocking them off. Right Now General Kaerner's boys are simply the best in the fleet.

  4. FreeWorlds ladders have granted several LoCs over the past weeks. I do not have access to grade matches on the ladders because Marcus did not list me as an administrator and the website is funny about letting me grade things. You will receive LoCs for the last ladder as soon as Marcus finishes off the late matches.

  5. DSS hosted by Tek is currently in full stream. Get your 18 matches in before monday.

  6. IWATS MP and AMP can be taken at any time you feel the need to get in on all the MP love.

  7. 24/7 LoCs are at

  8. Ladders are at

  9. Great MP week. Good work to everyone involved.

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