COO Report # 24 (2004-07-23)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

News from the Combat Operations Office:

  1. Tau Pilot Tek Selkirk has won the XVT WoW! Congrats to Tek!
  2. The EH tied for 2nd Place at XVT WoW. 2nd is the highest we have ever finished at a WoW Competition.
  3. FreeWorlds has been added as an Official Platform and I have worked out a system to award MP play. Currently several Territory Disputes are happening. If a key Freeworlds player begins to send me the results of these disputes, I can start getting you guys some LoCs for your great activity!
  4. 24/7 LoCs continue at the Combat Operations Office Websiste:
  5. The COO Ladder System is available for use at
  6. SWG JTL Has gone BETA. Currently EH Players are testing out the game that will have a lot of people talking (good and bad) in the near future. More details to come.

Real Life News:

  1. I will miss the meeting next Saturday and will more than likely miss Next Wednesday to the Following Wednesday because I am marrying my girlfriend. We have been dating for the last 7 years and she threatening my life unless we get married. Friends and family from all over the country are attending this massive frightening event. Ill try to get a picture out.

  2. Also this week, I met Colonel Ekim Yellek of Vanguard Fame. Ekim is a ROTC Cadet with the US Army and is currently doing training at Fort Campbell Kentucky, which is where I am an Officer. I took Ekim to lunch and this weekend we plan to have several beers. Ill try to get a picture of that out as well.

Talk to everyone soon.

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