COO Report # 26 (2004-08-14)

This report was submitted by AD Khameir Sarin

COO News:

  1. The 24/7 LoC submission form has been recoded to optimize speed in scoring matches. Slowbacca (BHG) and General Kaerner (TC) volunteered their time and PHP Mastery to make this happen. You can submit MP matches 24/7 at

  2. General Kaerner was awarded a Silver Star of the Empire for his outstanding work in the promotion of MP to the fleet.

  3. The DB Has participated in a WoW for the first time in.....well as long as I can remember. Great work to Scoser, Kuro, Tiamat, and Gidda in their participation. As a reminder, the DB is signed up for both JA and JO weeks of War.

  4. IWATS MP and IWATS Advanced MP are both open to the public. You can take the courses at and

  5. The EH Ladder system is now linked to both the official EH Website and the Tie Corps Website. You can reach it at

  6. All ISD Predator FW CMDR positions have been filled and the EH has until the 20th to shift off of the [EH] Tag. Look for big news at the TC meeting about FreeWorlds.

  7. Congrats to Tau MP Aces Tek and Rax on their promotions to Major and Captain respectively.

  8. "Downtime Simulator Showdown" MP competition is coming soon. Details can be found at

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