COO Report # 54 (2005-03-26)

This report was submitted by FA Khameir Sarin

COO News:

  1. XVT Week of War is over. The EH finished in third place. Nom Anor of Tau squadron finished 5th overall in pilot standings and Brukhar finished 12th. Great work to both of them.

  2. JA Week of War is also over. Great work to the three EHers who put forth an effort to support the club.

  3. All COO Websites will be moving over the next few days. I have server space on FC Astatines server and will be making the switch as soon as my website gurus help me :p

  4. All 24/7 LoCs have been processed. If you submitted a match and did not receive your LoCs, then contact me.

  5. REMEMBER: LAN matches are only authorized for LoCs if you have talked to me. If I find out you are playing LAN matches and submitting them for LoCs, Ill wtfpwn you!

  6. REMEMBER: You cannot submit MP matches for both Legion of Combat medals and Cluster of Fire Medals. This is abusing the system and considered cheating. Don't do it.

  7. Have a good week :p

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