COO Report # 42 (2003-07-11)

This report was submitted by AD Kyle Katarn

COO/AD Kyle Katarn
is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 07/11/2003

COO News

Thanks to COOA Autoris Maximus, we are testing a new 24/7 Comp System. However every day there will be a special comp for a timezone (ie. EuroComp or AusComp). The system is still in beta, but it works good. I think the system will get official on 15th. The same day Parallax War will finally start after some problems

LT Cheriss will handly all concections to other clubs in the future. (Also Parallax War). You may ask why a LT as COOA? Well she can work with ppls which she doesn't know in a way that I miss from many members in the EH (also from me). This is not an attack to any special person! :-)

Competition News

The new system is online and the activity rox!

Bot News

DarkFyre is back, with many new updates. The B0t god is Autoris again!

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer

COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

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