COO Report # 18 (2002-07-12)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Combat Operations Office Report #18 - 07.12.02

From the desk of Vice Admiral Khadgar...

I'd like to start this Report by thanking GA Ronin and SA Astatine for presenting me with a Grand Order of the Emperor award recently, and also for the help they've provided during my tenure as COO. Also, I'd like to thank VA Marcin for his well-written and professional sounding recommendation. Last, I'd like to thank the Multiplayer pilots of the EH - Which makes the Combat Operaitons Office possible.

With that nice paragraph of thank yous out of the way, we'll get on with this week's news...

XvT Competitions

I have signed the EH up for a Competition starting this Friday. It will last one week, and is specifically oriented towards XvT players and TIE Interceptors. The competition will be held on The Zone against participating clubs. LoCs will be awarded, so please come out! For further details, please see

Problems with Battlestats

A hot topic for E-Mailing the Combat Operations this week is problems encountered with being removed from For now, please be patient, and just keep submitting requests to be added to the EH list. I will work at getting the Battlestats roser to be more friendly towards members.

In the service of the Empire,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Combat Operations Officer

COO/VA Khadgar/VSD Aggressor
GOE/GS/SSx3/BSx3/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-2SR/LoC-PSx58/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-2E [EXCR]

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