COO Report # 0 (2001-01-20)

This report was submitted by AD Zsinj

Well it's that time again!
1) COO Site -, it's a little out of date but I will update it when I get a chance

2) OR - It's on Innernet now and I think for a while(at least til Undernet Dies or is fixed), to join OR type /server and then join #OuterRim and that should send you to the fastest InnerNet Server. We want to get over 200 matches in this week! :)

3) JK - I will be setting up a TC possibily EH Wide JK Comp so that we can have good people fighting at OR. I'm one of the ~3 EH'ers that are playing JK at OR. We need to get a stronger presence there and at the XvT. We are rocking in XWA and had almost all of the wins last week.

Keep up the Flying,

Admiral Zsinj
Combat Operations Officer

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