COO Report # 10 (2002-05-16)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Combat Operations Office Report #10 - 05.16.02

From the desk of Vice Admiral Khadgar...

This week I got a lot of E-Mails relating to medals that need to be awarded. I got all of them, but unfortunately I will have to take a leave for Friday and Saturday, so your concerns will be answered later in the week. Also in this report, I'd like to end some concerns regarding competitions with a new policy.

On that note, let's head to this week's news...

Awarding Issues

A number of people have expressed concerns about COO sponsored Multiplayer Competitions. The concerns rest in hosts sometimes showing up late due to prior commitments, or some not showing at all. Henceforth, all Multiplayer participants are encouraged to fly matches regardless of the situation. Any and all matches that are flown within the designates times will be counted, even if it is necessary to report extra matches directly to the Combat Operations Officer.

E-Mail Procedures

Any reports of missing LoCs or DFCs should be addressed to the Combat Operations Office with the title "LoC (or DFC) Problem". These E-Mails should contain specific details, including the Competition participated in, the date and the players involved (for LoCs).

Two COOless nights

As mentioned earlier, I will be unavailable for this coming Friday and Saturday. Any outstanding concerns will be addressed then.

In the service of the Empire,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Combat Operations Officer

COO/VA Khadgar/VSD Aggressor
GS/SSx3/BSx3/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-2SR/LoC-PSx58/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-2E [EXCR]

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