COO Report # 5 (2002-10-18)

This report was submitted by RA Kyle Katarn

COO/RA Kyle Katarn
is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 10/18/2002

COO News
This week there is nothing major that happened. Only a few Website updates on (like Java IRC Chat, thanks to Auto, and the Admin section is displayed now).

I want to make a fictional Combat Ops Center in Coronada (like the Deadalus in Phare). It will consists of a M/PLT Parallax and the VSD Aggressor. Dunno where in Coronada yet, cause I will wait for the System Information (with approval of the FC of course).

Competition News

The mIRC related Competitions are working very good again.. All all Permanent Hosts have been assigned. Only Alternate Hosts and General Hosts need to be selected!

Very Old WoW Scores will be awarded shortly after they got compiled. Also I signed up the EH for the XvT and XWA WoW's. Check the Combat Calendar for more info's.

Bot News

The Bot is fully operational for now and undergoing some updates.

However, Autoris is working on an AI Script that makes Hosts useless in the future. There are some resources problems for now and we dunno if the current Server could manage it though. I will keep you informed. Also IF it works, we expect a great result in Summer 2003.

In the Service of the Empire,
COO/RA Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx6/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-PSx56/DFC/CoB/LoAx21/OV-2E [LGNR] [Officer 1st]
Spectre Advanced Missle Boat "DarkFyre"
PIN: 5141

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