COO Report # 19 (2003-01-24)

This report was submitted by VA Kyle Katarn

COO/VA Kyle Katarn
is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 01/24/2003


COO News

There were some devastating problems with some TC members. However those have been solved as I write this. PLEASE, before you begin running to the FC and XO, we should discuss the problem personally, and not in public. Due this problem and to make the EHCOC transparent to other EH Member, the scores will be downloaded from December on on Then you can look  if it was my fault or a report error.

I know I lost tracing of some medals when I was on leave. If you miss a medal, mail me and attach the logs!

The new EHCOC Website is updated again with some feauters.

I got a new COOA, COL Mell Kerrigan. He is in charge for ALL ORW2 Matters. If you got a complaint mail Mell and cc me and Autoris.

Competition News

A BSC Hosted Comp is currently in workout. I will work out the details with the Volunteer, Xura Verr and my COOA's.

RS Outer Rim 2 Activity droped very much. That means we got a SERIOUS chance to win. Use this chance.

Bot News

AI Script still in workout. Autoris managed to activate the Script without killing the bot. This is a big positive surprise. However do not expect a full working Artificial Intelligence Script within the next 6 Month, cause there is a quite weird Error.


In the Service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Vice Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/VA Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor/EH
SSx2/BSx6/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx21/OV-2E [LGNR] [Officer 1st]
Spectre Advanced Missle Boat "DarkFyre"
PIN: 5141

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