COO Report # 0 (2005-06-07)

This report was submitted by RA Scoser

Quick report to let everyone know about current events. I'm going to do my reports on the weekends and sometimes during the week, but

JO WoW going on now!

The general site for the War with rules, submission forms for games, and other info is at: The War is hosted on the Obelisk Order JO server at pass: wow and the SyN server at: pass: wow

We're in 1st now and really need everyone who's on the EH team to get some games and kills in! Even 1 game can get the EH team more points!

BF WoW going on now!

The general site for the War with rules, submission forms for games, and other info is at: To arrange games with other clans, go to the flash chatroom at:

JA WoW coming up

The JA WoW will be running from June 17 to June 24. Get ready to practice up so you’re ready to go and kill some hippies when it starts.

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