COO Report # 47 (2005-02-05)

This report was submitted by FA Khameir Sarin

Combat Operations Report:

  1. The EH finished 2nd in XWA WoW. Tau Squadron's Nom Anor finished 2nd as the overall pilot! Great work to all who participated.

  2. For the month of January, we recorded a 1st, two 2nds, and a 4th place finish in WoWs. Great job guys!

  3. The ASF SC Ladders scored another 92 LoCs this week (FW=35, XWA=37, XVT=20). Keep up the good work!

  4. Remember, FreeWorlds ladders are 3 FW Wins=1 LoC (unless other wise stated). Ladders and TEs are the only current method of scoring FW LoCs.

  5. Take IWATS MP! I need 3 Graduates to hit 200!

  6. 24/7 LoCs are at

  7. Congrats to Colonel Scoser/OHC Scoser on his Silver Star and Silver Sash. I placed a recommendation to the GM and DGM for a Silver Sash for Scoser due to his outstanding promotion of EH MP. Great work!

  8. Have a great week!

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