COO Report # 45 (2005-01-22)

This report was submitted by FA Khameir Sarin

From the Combat Operations Office:

  1. The ASF Supremacy Competition is underway and thus MP numbers are booming. The ASF FW Ladder has just awarded 114 LoCs and 1 DFC, the ASF XVT Ladder has just awarded 55 LoCs and 1 DFC, and the ASF XWA Ladder has just awarded 32 LoCs and 1 DFC. Fantastic work to the ASF Staff in organizing this month long competition. After one week you have generated 201 LoCs and 3 DFCs.

  2. Avenger Squadron has flown 85 LoCs and 3 DFCs this week! Congrats to the ASF Elite Squadron. It appears they will become the next MP Squadron (an Award never bestowed on any squadron other than Tau).

  3. XVT WoW is on. We are performing fairly well with two undefeated pilots. Download the chat client at to play!

  4. I have hired General Nightmare as my new COOA to replace AD Khadgar who is now off doing PREX stuff. Grats to Nighty. He will handle general duties to include shining my boots.

  5. Have a great week. Keep up the activity and keep playing on the ladders.

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