TCCOM Report # 67 (2005-01-21)

This report was submitted by HA Cyric

High Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 01/21/05 This will be a rather short report, as I am still immersed in my real life situation of having another baby, and spending sleepless nights and days tending! Due to my situation and that of the OPS mailer screwing up, my COL's were lost and I never got a chance to resubmit. They have been taken care of: CM Beir and LC Malik were both submitted by me for the COL. I know CM Beir was awarded one by his COM already, but I submitted him for his outstanding recruitment efforts in the fleet, and LC Malik for his outstanding activity and leadership qualities! There are many professor spots open! IWATS, the EH's premier training academy, has 14 open professor positions available. The positions are: AIM ASP BitchX CSS Flash Graphics History Javascript mIRC Rebellion Tactics SWGB VB Script XML XWA Mission Design Duties for these positions include keeping the course site in good working order, making updates as necessary, promotion of your course in the EH, processing graduates and reporting to the Training Officer. If you're interested in applying for one of these positions, write an application to with the subject "I can teach!". Flight Members, Flight leaders and members of similar positions in the rest of the EH are encouraged to apply. Also a note from the TAC, Within the last few months quite a few pilots have been skipping missions when flying battles from our mission compendium. Usually when a pilot submits a battle with a skipped mission his Commander is to get a notice from the database while attempting to submit the pilot file, the database tells the Commander or Flag that the file is corrupted and/or missions have been skipped. The message looks a little something like this: "This is not the correct pilot file for this battle. The wrong number of missions has been played. The pilot file is invalid." Whenever you get that notice when you submit a battle do not check the no high scores box and submit it anyway Doing so will result in having me receive the e-mail notice and eventually removing the battle from the pilot's record. If it happens once I understand, but if it is repeated frequently by CMDRs and Flags then I will be forced to take disciplinary action. With Disciplinary action mentioned, I would like to point out that at least 7 pilots have just been found guilty of cheating, and a WC, Zeth Durron, has been expelled from the EH and TC because it was his second offence. I want to assure everyone in the TC that these offences are taken very seriously, and should you decide to walk on the "wild side" you will be caught, and punished. If you value your career and all the hard work you did, do even think about cheating! A note about Flight Leaders, There are several squadrons that have vacant FL positions open in the fleet. These need to be filled ASAP, because I will not place CT's in flights that don't have them. Get them filled now! The Free World Experiment is nearing its conclusion. I am waiting on HA Priyums report and will be discussing it with the GA to see how best to open it fleet wide. That's it from the Flight Office... In Service... HA Cyric FO-TCCOM/HA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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