TCCOM Report # 66 (2005-01-13)

This report was submitted by HA Cyric

High Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office and Tie Corps on 01/13/04 I have a few things to pass on so here we go: The SCO has started a fleet wide competition called Casino Imperial and details can be found here: This is especially important for you in the Tie Corps because in the spirit of unity within the EH, I've approved to name the next TIECORPS COM OWN from the winning wing and or ship from this competition! So make sure that all your pilots try to be active in this! Notice also that the SCO has a new Website located at Minos was out for a little while what this means we aren't exactly sure, but it is advised that you look for alternate hosting services. The Flight office page is still located with minos, and I will be looking for another server soon. If they haven't been changed already, change all message board links to the new message boards located at The EH has adopted TeamSpeak as an online voice chat arena. Thanks to the GA, Astatine and the COMM Joey C for this! Information can be found here: The training office also has a new website located here: Now on to TC related issues. This keep popping up, but remember to add reasons for AWOL and MIA entries. The DB tracks them and the mailer to the pilot will allow them to decide what to do! I've seen a good influx of returning members from the rsv's. Good job to all who have lured them back to active duty!!! The ASF is beginning their Squadron Supremacy Competition very soon! This pits pilot against pilot and squadron against squadron. REPORTS! This is very important, All reports are due iin on time and MUST be uploaded to the database. This is a very basic duty for the CMDR on up, and the very backbone of communications for the fleet. I will be auditing the database reports in the near future and will determine which squadron cmdrs , wcs, coms, etc are negligent and "offer" appropriate solutions for the failure of this basic duty. I am held to the same standard and accomplish this task, so should everyone else. Make sure that reports are done! Period! In the upcoming week I will be taking a short leave of absence for personal reasons. AD Reaper has been briefed and I ask that everyone CC him with all FO related stuff. Between the two of us we will handle the Flight Office duties. My FOA's AD Khadgar primarily oversees the meetings and news posts FA Sarin primarily is working on JTL implementation and assists where AD Khadgar needs help. The GA has been very helpful on certain Ideas and possible changes for the fleet and we may be implementing some new exciting things in the upcoming months, stay tuned! That's it from the Flight Office... In Service... HA CYRIC FO-TCCOM/HA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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