TCCOM Report # 19 (2004-02-06)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

Flight Office Report #19 Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting on 02/06/04 "It's F*&((*& Sand!" "Nothing grows in sand!" "Pack up and move!"-Sam Kinison on people floundering in the desert Well, I've just realized that I've been with the Flight Office as CA:FO and FO for 1 year, 5 months and 11 days! I guess Darksaber was right when he told me I was Immortal :P In terms of Flight Office activity, processing continues at a fast and furious pace. I've noticed a lot of movement intra squad by CMDRs to line up squadron pilots for newer people coming in, which is excellent. I've also noticed squadron to squadron transfers taking place. This I don't mind so much, but I would like to point out, that I don't want to see one squadron recruiting from other BG's or other squadrons. This would be very very bad and will be dealt with in a swift and furious motion. Do keep vigilant on your BG's to make sure that there is not an influx of pilots leaving for the same squadron, or even coming to the same squadron. Virtually every BG in the TC is entering one of their "world famous" comps: ASF -- Beginning ASF SC VI. This is the supremacy competition to determine the best ship in the ASF in terms of Activity ATF -- Beginning BGCOM Judgement Comp. Determining the best over all wing in the ATF. SOV -- SSL will be beginning soon! Every TC squadron is invited to this event. TBG-- AD Mell is currently getting this BG in shape and I expect big things from him... I want to remind everyone that the COO is sponsoring 24/7 MP reporting. What this means is you can fly a match anytime of the day or night, report it and get your LoC for it! This is a great boon for the pilots that do do MP flying! Another issue I ran into is members with have been bouncing mails back to their senders. I believe this is due to the being down. Membership count for the TC is at 1,635 members! That's it from the Flight Office.... In Service.... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA Cyric/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign GOE/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-MP-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT

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