TCCOM Report # 50 (2004-09-17)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

FA Cyric reporting in on September 17,2004 for the Flight Office

Well my 50th report as Flight Officer! I look back at this minor milestone in reports, and take quick stock of my duties.

Through my tenure as FO, I've closed a few ships, some agreed some didn't, closed a few squadrons, reopened a few more. Processed countless recruits, reorganized some of the TC structure, and attempted to make it a more enjoyable place for the pilots. Have I succeeded in handling my duties responsibly? Well I'm still here :)

I look at this time as FO one of the most exciting as we've picked up two relatively new concepts for the TC both set in the MMORPH genre, Free Worlds and Jump to Light Speed. Free Worlds saw the opening of the ISD Predator, which came a shock to many, however, it is vital for the experiment that we call Free Worlds and our track in to the MMORPH. Yes there are many who may have done it differently or done it "better" however, it is working and a few naysayers have changed their tunes a bit.

Jump to Light speed is on the horizon. I am hearing fantastic news about the game, though much of the juicy details are [edited] out due to some silly "keep your mouth shut provision LA deemed necessary. JTL will pose many challenges for the TC as it will actually cover two SG's with in the EH. There is also opportunities to fly different class ships in the game. It could open different flying categories for the TC, but I'll have to investigate more before any thing else on this is said. We are looking at all possibilities for the TC in regards to JTL and once the Beta is done and the game released, we will know more.

AD Protons Sovereign Squadron League comp is in its final round:
Here are the battle assignments for the Finals of the 2004 Sovereign Squadron League:

TIE-TC 67, The Siege of Maltar
XvT-TC 57, Mai in Danger
XWA-TC 12, Imperium Deception

Deadline is midnight Friday, Oct. 1.

Important note: Send your results to the division coordinators as usual, but ALSO CC: Proton AT I haven't heard from the division coordinators for more than a month, so if necessary I will need to compile the Finals results -- and I can't do that unless you send your files to me.

As always: Good luck to all pilots! :)

AD Mell should be undergoing Surgery by the time many of you receive this. Good Luck Mell!

AD Mell is also looking for applications for WC of Wing X. The standard requirements are in force.

IMPSTORM has completed turn six, with three of the four BG's holding planets, with the ASF being shut out. The War Office site has all the juicy details.

Also of note is the TAC office has been very busy fixing bugged missions and releasing a few. Check with the news page for these details.

As always my "e-mail" door is open to any and all that need to talk or have any questions.

In Service...

FA Cyric

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