TCCOM Report # 49 (2004-09-10)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in on 9/10/04 for the Flight Office and the Tie Corps... First I'd like to congratulate LC Turr for being named the new WC for Wing VII! IMPSTORM V Has begun. Check out the war office site at http://waroffice.minos .net for more details. This is a massive war game held for members of the TC pitting BG against BG. I've processed quite a few new recruits into the system. There isn't one specific platform they are choosing, so there should be an influx of new SL's coming to our ranks. I'd like each BGCOM to send me a revised list of squadrons in their groups that are in need of SL's so I can update the cadet pages on my website I also need to touch on the transfer protocols I revised a while back. These protocols are for transfers dealing with ship to ship and squadron to squadron. Squadron CMDRs don't necessarily need the BGCOM's permission to change their squadron around or move members within the squadron, however the BG SOP's should be followed, and if the BGCOM requests that he is made aware then make him aware! For the TIECORPS news section, if anyone has anything they'd like posted, send me a mail with what you want posted up there and I will get it done. All in all another slow week, no problems that I've heard so keep up the good work. I expect that IMP STORM will bring some activity to the fleet, so have fun! In Service..... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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