TCCOM Report # 44 (2004-08-06)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office and the Tie Corps on 8/6/04 that's 6 August 04 for you European type people :) The TieBG's have seen a few positional changes this week. VA BubbaX has resigned as COM of the Rel, and taken a FM position in Viper Squadron in the ASF. No applications are being taken for his vacated spot as AD Mell already has someone in mind. Maj Curtis has taken over as the new WC for the ISD Colossus, as MAJ Angel has stepped down. This is also the time for many of the TC pilots who take their summer vacations before their school years start. Free Worlds and the ISD Predator: Commanders are being sought to fill the six squadrons. The Commanders will be the only Full time positions in the squadron. Details can be found here: I have assembled a crack investigative team to start the Tie Corps in the direction of Jump To Light Speed, Star Wars Galaxies. AD Proton and VA Ky Terrak are the point men in this endeavor with 2 representatives from each TC BG, Compton, AD Sarin and my self tirelessly going over details for implementation into the fleet. We've come up with a good framework and goals before the Expansion is officially released. My Goal, as is the teams goal, is to have everything in place before this hits the open market so we are one of , if not the first club to offer it as a playing platform. I Will announce details when issues have been resolved. IMP STORM looks like it will be starting in the first week of September. With a BGCOM on leave, and some questions needing to be answered by the War Officer. I will announce the start date when these questions have been answered by the War Officer. TASKS: WAR OFFICE Updates: Completed Implementation of platforms: Completed (FW), JTL working on Image of TC: Working on this, plan on actually advertising TC on Messageboards etc That's it from the Flight Office. In Service.... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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