TCCOM Report # 40 (2004-07-09)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

FA Cyric Reporting in for the Flight Office on July 9, 2004 A fairly slow week for the Flight Office. A few minor roster changes, but other than that nothing much more to report there :) Congrats to MAJ Andrijas on being named the new WING XVIII CMDR! I'd like the BGCOM's to go over the lists of squadrons "in Need" on the Flight Office Page under the Cadet Placement tab and make sure those are the squadrons you'd still like to get incoming pilots into. If there are some new squadrons that need pilots, send me the names and I'll add them to the list, conversely, if there is a squadron on that page that doesn't need CT's then let me know so I can remove it. FO Tasks: War Office is progressing. I've sent some changes to the Xo and hope to hear soon about them. War Office Site is being worked on by AD Pel and that to should be up shortly. IMPSTORM rules are still being finalized and I hope to have this war game going very soon. FreeWorlds is coming! It has been named an official EH platform, and I am working on where and how to incorporate it in the TC world. Looks like the best bet will be an ISD/Wing for the platform. Stay tuned! Thats all from the FO... In service... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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