TCCOM Report # 33 (2004-05-21)

This report was submitted by FA Cyric

FA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on May 21, 2004 I want to give thanks to each and every member of the TC for respecting the situation with the Database being down and not inundating me with a flurry of requests. Here is the situation for the TC and the Flight Office in the next week so everyone is aware: The XO has been working diligently in getting a new server for the TC and its database. He has tested it and it appears that it should be live by the end of the weekend barring any unforeseen problems. The main problem for the TC is that the last back up of the DB was done in January, so there is no record of transfers for the TC from JAN until NOW. As you can imagine, this will require alot of inputting on my end. I imagine with all of the moves that have taken place it will take me at least a week if not more to get the rosters back to how they should be. I will work on it when the DB is back and running and get it done as soon as I can, but you will all need to be patient with me while I do this. It is going to take time. What I need from the BGCOM's and the Elite CMDRS is a roster from your BG's with current layouts of the squadrons. I want it in Pilot name, position and PIN #. The Pins are very important as this will ease my putting the pilots in the right spots. I do not have copies of transfers or new members mails from the DB. I don't save them as I relied on the DB to keep track. I'm not sure if the DB generated a text of these types of moves, but I will check with the XO. But it is important that I have each squadron/Wing/and ship roster from the entire TC by the end of the weekend so I can begin in earnest on Monday. This also includes the closure of the ISD Immortal and the two wings for the SOV. AD Proton: Please remail the XO with the squadron names for Wing VII so that can be done when the DB is back up so I can move them without having to wait. AD Mell: I will need to deal with the Immortal closing and all of those movements. The other two BG's should be ok and relatively easy to do. I do have the small requests that have been sent during the DB being down so I will handle these as well...there is no need to send me them again. Once I am finished with the rosters I will let everyone know so they can check with the rosters to make sure they are accurate. I will also post to the MB's to have every pilot check their current assignment to make sure they are where they are. I am going to ask that in the next week or so that no roster moves be asked for until I get the rosters back to snuff. I am going to be very very busy handling this. A week is not to long to wait. I know that no personal issues should be in these reports but It is important that I share this as well....I found out yesterday that I will be a DADDY again, however this baby is going to be considered very HIGH risk. I will be handling my duties as FO, but with the added worries of my wife and new baby, so be patient and understanding as I trudge through this! That's all from the Flight Office... In Service.... FA Cyric FO-TCCOM/FA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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