ISDII Warrior Report # 24 (2019-02-18)

This report was submitted by COM/RA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior


REPORTING OFFICER: Rear Admiral Hav Antiel, Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 18 February 2019


Welcome to this week's ISDII Warrior report. The big news this week is that LT James379 has been transferred from Kappa to the reserves. Also, AD Plif has finalized the updated to the TIE Corps Core. Remember, pilots: successful completion of the TIE Corps Core is necessary for promotion to Lieutenant Commander and beyond. It's also a nice way to learn more about the TIE Corps and how it operates. Why not take the revamped course for a spin?

Since the last report, I received the OK from top brass to award January's merit awards. I also managed to squeak in a few wins in TIE Corps in Battle. Interestingly, the Warrior stands alone on the ship-to-ship leaderboard; pilots from Theta and Sin (plus yours truly) were the only participants in the first round. Here's hoping more pilots compete this month. It's a lot more fun to beat the Hammer when they actually participate.

February's Escort Flight competitions are past the halfway mark, but there's still time to earn some Iron Stars (plus a spot on my flight). At the moment, there's only one Warrior on the SP Kill Board (myself not included) and three Warriors on the MP Kill Boards. I'm sure GN Frown would be happy to award fewer medals each month... Get flying and make the WC earn his name!


This week, the following intrepid Warriors earned competition medals and merit awards.

  • LT SL8c8 - Imperial Security Medal, IS-BW
  • MAJ Rando - Palpatine Crescent, IS-BW
  • COL Earnim Branet - Bronze Star of the Empire, IS-GW, IS-BW
  • GN Dunta Polo - Imperial Security Medal
  • GN Mark Schueler - IS-SR
  • GN Pickled Yoda - Palpatine Crescent, IS-BW, IS-BR

A full list of active competitions is available on


30 Strong (-1) -


Commodore's Escort Flight
Top Four for January (MP)

  1. COL Earnim Branet - 1st month - IS-BW
  2. GN Dunta Polo - 1st month - IS-BW
  3. MAJ Rando - 1st month - IS-BW

Wing Commander's Escort Flight
Top Four for January (SP)

  1. GN Pickled Yoda - 1st month - IS-BW
  2. LT SL8c8 - 1st month - IS-BW
  3. MAJ Rando - 1st month - IS-BW
  4. COL Earnim Branet - 1st month - IS-BW

What I've been up to since my last report:

  • Completed the TIE Fighter and XvT rounds for TIE Corps Spammers
  • Making progress on February's TIE Corps in Battle battles
  • Flew some XWA with MAJ Rando
  • Replaced the muffler bearings, tightened the canoodling valve, topped up the blinker fluid, and installed Meyerhoff lifters on my personal craft, the Pink Bantha III

The only way forward is through.

RA Hav Antiel
COM/RA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior
GS/SSx6/BSx8/PCx6/ISMx9/IS-1PW-10GW-14SW-24BW-3GR-12SR-39BR/MoI/LoC-Rx2/LoS-CSx3-Rx3/MoC-3doc-3poc-3goc-4soc-28boc/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx9/OV-4E [EXCR] [Trainee] [Qualified] {TCCORE-COE-MCBS-SM/4-WIKI}

Commodore of the TIE Corps Flagship
Ace of the TIE Corps 2018

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